Im Alive (and also Palestine and other things)

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First off before we begin-

Yes I am alive surprisingly

"You gonna write for the fandom again right-?"

Yes but hold on we will get to all that in a minute after this statement-

First off I'd like to apologize for not discussing this much sooner, after all if made make a post about Ukraine than I damn should've made one about the genocide and atrocities being made against Palestinians right now and has been happening for decades.

And before y'all fucking comment on it, because literally every Israel supporter has fucking said it and I have it copied to my keyboard for this exact reason,

"No, I do not condone civilian casualties or war crimes Hamas made and yadidadidah."

Now that I've said that, y'all gotta say that you don't condone Israel's genocide against the Palestinians and taking their land.

"ItS sElF DeFEnsE!1!1!!11!"

Yes yes, a country backed by superpowers and with a very large military needs to bomb and execute an entire country without any of those things as self defense, totally.

cmon if you are going to use that awful excuse at least try and say that Israel is targeting Hamas or something of the like (you've been fooled by me, we all know that nearly 100% of all casualties made by Israel in this genocide, and don't you dare call it a fucking conflict or war call it what it is, was made against civilians).

Oh, you are gonna talk about Hamas attack against Israel in October? Ok, what about all the attacks Israel was doing against Palestine before that? Why are some of y'all Israel supporters acting like Israel has been leaving them alone all this time and that this was just some random assault?

News flash- it wasn't, so I say this with my full chest (or lack of), fuck Israel.

"...Dadere what ya said about not all Russians supporting the war they are having with Ukraine also applies to us right?"

Yes, of course, I know not everyone in Israel or what not doesn't condone this (I know quite a lot of countries are backing Israel, mine included unfortunately and let me just say that everyday I get closer and closer to shooting up the White House), what I said before still applies, y'all should know this.

"Dadere you are being antisemitic!"

Ok if that's the case than please pass me a swatsika armband in that bag of yours that you've been passing around to all your "#GoIsrael♥️" friends so that way I dress the part. (Y'all have no idea how much I hate that damn argument, no, supporting Palestine ≠ being antisemitic it just means you don't like genocide the fuck)

Anyway, with that being said, I support Palestine and as always, I am here to lend an ear to my middle eastern friends being impacted by this and again I apologize for not discussing this sooner, especially given that more CH authors have discussed about Russian and the Ukrainian war than they have about this (either that or maybe I just haven't been seeing it, if that's the case I apologize). And like last time I urge y'all to be informed and to donate (personally I used Anera as I was seeing some good things about em, tho I try to be cautious when it comes to donating as some sites are sketchy or outright lying about their effectiveness when aiding so please do be careful) or help spread whatever message ya can, I understand that a lot of y'all in this fandom are usually kids so of course as an adult I feel it is necessary to say to please don't feel guilty about not "doing enough", after all, y'all are mostly kids, you shouldn't have to be worrying about putting effort into helping combat conflicts or genocides or what not, and honestly most of this post doesn't really apply to ya, but for those wondering what y'all can do to help in situations like these than the most I can offer is to simply stay informed, talk about it, donate if ya can, I've seen some people talking about watching certain content creators on TikTok or what not because if the video is monetized than they can donate that to relief efforts (personally, I'd be wary about this as you can never tell if the influencer or what not is being genuine about donating whatever they make in that video, but I guess it isn't the worst thing as watching a video on TikTok or YouTube or whatever is free so you aren't risking everything except for maybe a minute of your time).

Now that all of that is out of the way and this is getting pretty long, I'd like to thank y'all for reading this and I will address something's right now-

First off, anyone who comes at me for not backing a genocide is going to get block, quite frankly I ain't got the time nor do I wish to entertain someone with that type of mindset, also because let's face it, it'll turn into an insult match and threat brigade pretty quickly and quite frankly you won't get the effect you think you'll have because as well know- the thought of dying and being insulted makes this heart of mine skip a beat.

I also do want to address another thing now-

I might revoke my rule about writing for Russia, as the time goes on I have come to realize that not writing for certain countries isn't gonna help really and is more performative activism (and also let's face it, after this whole Israel and Palestine thing, I wouldn't be able to write about a lot of countries, plus every country has done or is doing terrible shit), it also just really mostly impacts people who don't support the awful things governments do and use fanfiction as a way to escape awful things (also again most of y'all are just kids so ya can't really do much and it seems unfair to y'all), I'd like to hear your thoughts about this.

However I will say to please respect authors who do not wish to write about certain countries or events, remember to always respect an author's boundaries (especially since this fandom does revolve around countries and historical events).

Anyway thank y'all for reading and I shall be updating soon so be prepared for spam.

(I would also like to apologize if this seems all over the place I haven't been sleeping well so my mind is all over the place recently).

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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