Not What You'd Expect |America x Reader

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|America x Reader|
TWs: None
"Uh... Dad this isn't what it looks like-"

The night was going great, your dinner date with your boyfriend had gone well and there was no interruptions. Now the only thing you two were doing was simply relaxing at your house.

"Hey.... Didn't you have this creepy figurine that was always sitting on your nightstand?" Your boyfriend, America, asked out of the blue as he stared at said nightstand. You also took a glance at it before shrugging your shoulders,

"Yeah, but I lost it somewhere yesterday, haven't been able to find the little guy anywhere." You responded nonchalantly as you turned your attention back to your phone. America, however, didn't seem to give up on the subject as he looked around the room for the figurine he was so used to seeing. You payed him no mind as you continued to scroll through social media, it wasn't like he hasn't been here multiple times before and doesn't know your bedroom layout.

"Could it be up here? You have a habit of putting shit up here." You looked up from your phone to see him glancing at your wall, which didn't actually go up all the way to the roof, rather it went back almost making a shelf-like wall. You blinked,

"Maybe? I haven't checked-"

"Well hop on my shoulders then and we'll discover this wall's secrets." The countryhuman said as he lowered himself slightly, enough for you to go onto his broad shoulders. You stared at him for a moment before letting out a sigh, he wasn't going to give this up easily and you knew that. Without much thought, you stood up and walked over to him before gently lowering yourself onto his shoulders and positioning yourself so that you were more comfortable. America than stood up, almost a little too fast for your liking, so that you may look over the shelf to find the lost figurine.

"I can barely see anything, like I can't see the back." You explained for him as you glanced over the shelf, noticing some of your missing jackets and other stuffed animals on it. Huh, maybe you do tend to put things up here. The country simply huffed,

"Well do ya see it?" You squinted your eyes to see if you could spot it before shaking your head,

"No, I do not see it." You told him as you hopped off his shoulders, making a small thud as you did. Thinking he was satisfied, you went to go back to scrolling through your phone until he stopped you,

"Wait... I have an idea." You let out another sigh as you turned to look at your boyfriend with your hand in your hip,


"What if I got on your shoulders?" You blinked at him in disbelief. Was he serious? Judging by his smile, he was.

"Baby, I don't know if you noticed, but I am like 5'1 and 80 pounds and your like 5'8 and 160 pounds of muscle I don't think-"

"It's ok you got this! Now hurry up and get over here!" You pinched the bridge of your nose before letting out a small "fine" and walked over. You placed your body right at the wall with a small frown on your face as you felt him attempt to find a way onto your shoulders. With a nearby chair's help, America managed to somehow place his body on top of your shoulders as you struggled to maintain his weight. You felt him move around a bit, almost making you feel like you were going to lose your balance, until he delicately gripped the top of the fragile drywall and hoisted himself up just a little bit to get a better look, taking some of the weight off your strained shoulders.

"You were right babe, the little horror isn't up here-"

"What in God's name are y'all doing in here-?" You both suddenly freeze as you hear the door to your room suddenly open. With shocked and slightly flustered expressions, you both snapped your heads to turn to look at your father, who had just suddenly enter the room. Your dad, with his mouth slightly a-gaped and a expression of horror on his face, continued to stare at you, and your boyfriend who was still in your shoulders, in silence.

"Uh... Dad this isn't-"

"Honey I am very much aware that this is not what it looks like and honestly I can't tell if I preferred walking in on y'all doing that or this dumbassery right here, what the fuck are you two doing?" Your father also let out a sigh as he leaned against the doorframe, pinching the bridge of his nose in slight agitation. With a small blush, America gently hopped off your shoulders as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck,

"Well Mr. L/N... we were Uh looking for her creepy figurine that she keeps on her nightstand." Your father blinked at his explanation before gesturing towards one of your drawers,

"Didn't you say you were putting it in your sock drawer or something?" You both looked over at the drawer before you both let out a small "oh" as you went over and opened it, and sure enough, lying on its side, was the small figurine.

"Thank you dad."

"Yeah I'm leaving, have fun." He said as he closed the door and left you and your boyfriend in awkward silence.

"So... Wanna make out?" Your boyfriend suddenly asked as you both continued to stare at the figurine.

"Sure why the fuck not."


It's short but this is something that kinda happened between me and my boyfriend and I thought it would make y'all laugh so I hope you enjoyed!

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