The Rose Bride |Britain x Reader

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|Britain x Reader|
TW: None
This is actually an AU/Heavily inspired by the anime called Revolutionary Girl Utena and is an actual book I'm writing, so this is basically a preview for it! (This is also for a female reader)
"Shes the rose bride, it's her job."

"Duel for her?" Britain questioned the vile man in front of him as his eyebrow shot up in confusion. The man nodded,

"Yes, if you feel like you could do better, than duel me for her, those are the rules." He smirked and it almost made the Brit sick, duel? What for? He shouldn't have to fight someone over something like this, however, as his gaze met your smiling and seemingly care-free one, he couldn't help but feel the need to accept.

How could he say no? If that's what it took to get this vile and cruel man to stop, than so be it, no matter how strange and odd it was to him. Finally, he looked back over at the man and nodded rather confidently,

"Alright fine, you have a deal chap, but you better keep your word." He said, earning a small look of shock from you. Your "fiancé" simply chuckled darkly before turning to you,

"Alright Y/N, care to do the honors?" He said as he gently stroked your hair, you nodded and went over and picked out two roses: the typical red for him and a dark blue for the newcomer. You handed the rose to your fiancé before he gave you a quick kiss, feeling the man behind you, Britain, practically glare at him. You walked over to the country, tucking the blue rose in his shirt before looking up at him with that same smile,

"If it's knocked off or destroyed you lose the duel, if you knock off or destroy your opponents Rose, you win, swords only. When you put on this ring you accept your role as a duelist, are you sure you wish to do this?" You explained to him, somewhere deep inside of you hoping he would decline so that he wouldn't have to get hurt for your sake, especially since he barely knew you. However, the Brit wasn't willing to back down, it was with swords eh? He doesn't know anyone whose better at swordsmanship than him, which gives him a fighting chance in this "duel". He quickly nodded at you, a determined and serious expression on his face.

Internally sighing, you placed the ring on his ring finger.

Short, but like I said this is a book preview and I might post it soon!

Listen, I have so many book ideas and I'm excited to get them out-

I even have a shrek 2 AU one (don't question it, I'm out of control)

Also if you're bored or need someone to talk to than hey feel free to hmu, I'm a bored crackhead who never minds extra friends or helping someone out! ^^ with that being said, I hoped you enjoy this and see ya in the next chapter!

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