|Bad Mouth- UK Family x Child! Country! Reader|

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|UK Family x Child! Country! Reader|
Trigger Warnings: Language
Notes: Reader is female

The dining room was filled with normal chatter as the four sibling countries ate breakfast together, a typically rare sight for the household. They continued to talk amongst themselves, before they noticed the strange absence of their father,

"Dad's busy with little sis I guess?" America questioned the others who paused their conversation.

"Yeah, mom left dad to watch her while she left for the morning." Australia responded as he stuffed some more pancakes into his mouth, earning a small glare from New Zealand, who quickly scolded him for his lack of table manners before looking back at America,

"I think dad is still getting her ready and giving her more lady lessons, you know him." He added as he went back to eating. Satisfied with the answer, Ame nodded and he too went back to eating his breakfast, listening on to the others conversations.

"Hey Canada, can you-" The slam of the opening door startled the four and quickly silenced whatever America was going to say. They all turned their heads to stare at UK, who looked disheveled and stressed in contrast to his usual collected self,

"Which one of you has tainted our little Y/N?!" Britain yelled at his children, glaring at them as they simply stared back.

"Uh... What dad-?"

"One of you boys has completely undermined my efforts in turning Y/N into a charming young lady." All of them blinked confusingly at the raging country, unsure at what he was saying. After scanning their expressions, the UK let out an annoyed and agitated sigh,

"One of you has taught her... the word."

"The word dad-?"

"Fuck!" A tiny voice squeaked from behind their father, causing them to spit out what food they had and Australia to spit his drink at Canada, who was too shocked to care. They all snapped their heads to stare at the tiny country, while their father freaked out over the endeavor more,

"Young lady watch your language! Do not say that in this house, a lady does not-" Britain went on before being cut off once again,

"Fuck!" He once again let out a sigh, albeit this time more defeated as you stared up at him. The other countries watched as he pinched the bridge of his nose before turning to glare at them once again,

"Which one of you did it?" He growled out, while each of your brothers quickly shook their heads in fear. The British country continued to glare at them, not believing them one bit,

"I don't believe any of you for one bit! Now I have to teach her not to say it before your mother gets back, if she hears her say it she might have a heart attack! Now if none of you boys fess up by then you're all grounded!" Britain yelled at them before stomping out of the kitchen.

Meanwhile your elder siblings continued to stare at you in complete shock as you stood there with complete innocence. Finally after a few moments of awkward silence, Australia spoke up,

"Well it wasn't me, I haven't even been home the last two days." He held up his hands. Zea rolled his eyes at him,

"Well obviously it might not be you, but I have a feeling I know who really taught her." He said as he glared at America accusingly. Ame simply let out a scoff as he crossed his arms,

"Well it wasn't me either, I've been virtually gaming nonstop with Russia since yesterday." Zea went to counter him but was cut off by Canada,

"He makes a point, besides, Y/N had to have learned it sometime yesterday, if she knew it beforehand she would have said it sooner." The Canadian explains, while the rest simply nodded in agreement.

Australia walked over to you and picked you up while the rest of them continued talking,

"Well, if the two main suspects are out of the question, and it couldn't be me or you, then who did it?" Zea questioned as you gently tugged on his shirt, wanting to be held by him. He, of course, complied and took you from Aussie as the others continued,

"Well, we could always check the security cameras, see who she's been around and who said it." America said to them as he gestured to the camera near the kitchen, followed by a series of "oh" and "I forgot we had those" from his siblings. All of them proceeded to stand up and head to the computer room, with you still attached to Zea.

Once they got there, America immediately turned on the computer and played back the security footage of yesterday. After a series of clicks and him going through the video footage with no real progress of anything other than you waving at Canada at some point during the video, he was about to give up before he found something intriguing. Judging by what the video says, at some point around 9PM, you were heading to bed, when Scotland, who they were guessing took control at some point before, was in the kitchen when he dropped something on his foot and said something while you were walking by in the hallway.

"What did he say?" Australia asked as he leaned in closer. America played back the video, but this time turned up the volume. Everyone leaned in closer, desperately trying to hear what the Scotsmen said as he repeatedly played back the segment.

"It's faint, but I swear I hear him saying it or at least something-"

"Fuck!" You all of a sudden yell, causing the others to flinch. Canada looked at you,

"Now Y/N, don't say that, it's a bad word." He told you before looking down and realizing you were pointing at the screen excitedly and right at Scotland. It didn't take long for the others to put two and two together to realize you were saying that he "taught" you it.

All of a sudden, America bursted out laughing,

"Dad was over here chewing us out for doing it when it was technically HIM that taught her it! Oh god I gotta be the one to tell him!" He yelled out with a smile as he quickly got up and ran out the door and down the hall while the others sat there in disbelief.




"Fuck!" You yelled out once again, this time more loudly.

"Did is just hear our daughter drop the F-Bomb?!" France also yelled out from down the hall, causing the siblings to sigh.


I had this in my drafts for a while, so here take it even tho it was slightly rushed-

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