★Skype: Niall★

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9:57 pm.

Niall thought about what happen today at school. Zayn definitely tried to flirt with him, but Niall simply ignore him. Not ignore him completely, but ignore him whenever he tried to flirt. He was glad that Harry didn't see him, cause only God knows what Harry might do to Zayn. He didn't want nobody getting hurt. He didn't want nobody fighting over him. He's no doll to be playing back and forth. No. He's a human that is living his life, a human finding out his feeling towards Harry. He only has he eyes on one person and that is Harry. No one else.

He got on his computer, seeing if Harry was on Skype and he was.

10:02 pm.

▶In a video chat with Harry◀

"I was about text you" Harry said smiling at Niall.

Niall notice that Harry was shirtless, he couldn't help it but stare down at his tan tone chest. He can see his tattoos clearly now. His two swallows on his chest. "Like what you see?" Harry said snapping Niall out of his thoughts. Niall looked to see Harry, who was smirking.

"I-I umm...So how you been?" Niall said blushing. Harry chuckled. "I've been good babe, I miss you though" Harry said, Niall smiled softly "I miss you too"

"We should do something together again" Harry suggested.

"Like what?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, I'm really bad at dates..." Niall giggled, "Harry no matter what it is, or where it is, I will still enjoy every second of it cause I'm with you"

Harry stared at Niall, smiling. "I wish you were here with me right now, so I could just kiss you" Niall blushed, "Niall?"


"Have I ever told you that you're beautiful?" Harry said, watching as Niall blushed again. "N-no" Niall stuttered.

"Well you are"

Whatever Harry does or say, It drives Niall crazy. Harry may be bad planning romantic dates (like he says), but he's really good at melting someone heart. Well more like stealing someones heart.

And that's exactly what he did... he stoled Niall's heart.

Niall is hoping when he can say those words to Harry. He can feel himself falling everyday when he talks to him.

"So, tomorrow after school?"

Harry said, Niall finally snapped out of his thoughts. "W-what?"

Harry smirked, "Tomorrow after school do you want to go to the park?"

"Oh yeah! That would be lovely" Niall smiled, "What were you thinking about?" Harry asked.

Niall blushed, "N-nothing" Harry rasied an eyebrow. Niall sighed, "I was thinking about you" He mumbled, his cheeks warming up.

"Oh really?" Harry smirked.

"Were you thinking about how good I'm going to make you feel? Or all the dirty words i'm going to whisper to you?"

Niall laughed, "In your dreams Styles."

"But make my dream come true" Niall shook his head. A small ywan came out of his mouth. Making Harry look at him awe.

"Lay down...I'll sing you to sleep" Niall did as told. Laying facing the camera of his computer, put to him he was facing Harry.

"Settle down with me
Cover me up
Cuddle me in
Lie down with me
And hold me in your arms"

Niall recognize the song and smiled. Letting Harry sing it to him.

"And your heart's against my chest,
your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes,
but they don't know me yet
And with a feeling I'll forget,
I'm in love now"

Niall weakly smiled at Harry. Harry knowing that he's about to fall asleep any minute now.

"Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love"

Niall closed his eyes, as he peacefully fell into a deep slumber. But before he could he heard Harry whisper to him,

"Goodnight Niall...I love you"



12:00 a.m. (Narry// sequel)Where stories live. Discover now