chapter 1

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I groan, burying my face in the palm of my hands .

Am a total failure .

"What did you do now? " my best friend Stacy asks, her arms on my shoulder giving me comfort .

My only comforter .

We have been best friends since we were born ,joined together to the hip.

People even thought we were sisters but when they found out we were not they taught we were a thing.

That period was what I called awkward.

Like really really awkward.

But I can't blame them, we always looked and acted intimate sometimes,we even kissed once .

An incident I would like to forget.

Though Stacy is actually bi sexual and am straight it doesn't stop us from doing freaking things together ,but it has reduced since she has a girlfriend already .

But still when Stacy wants to be freaky ,we get freaky .

She is the hyperactive one between us and I love her for it but never telling her that ,don't want to boost her already big ego .

"Do you think I will ever get a job "I asked her, looking at her expectantly but she gave me a weird look, dragging the 'ummm' and then looking away .

I groan and slouch on the bench in the park.

I thought moving to New York all the way from San Francisco would change everything but now I am still stuck where I was .

A total failure.

How am I going to get him back if I can't get a simple job?

"What happened? I thought you said you had this one in the bag " she asks and I sigh.

I did have it in the bag till it all went wrong .

Really wrong


I walked into the office building feeling confident about this interview

'you got this Cari '

'You are afterall a smart woman 'I praised myself as I walked into the elevator the receptionist led me to .

You really have to stop praising yourself ' my subconscious chimed in my head but I ignored her ,she is always pessimistic.

Telling you that you are vain isn't being pessimistic,it is being true.

I look at my reflection on the wall and I adjust the top Stacy gave me that felt too tight I couldn't breathe.

I was a bit bustier than her so it was a bit tight ,so I pulled at it and froze .

The top button came off and was laying on the floor .

'I can finally breathe, 'my subconscious says happily while I stare at myself in horror .

'Oh this is bad 'I stared at the ample flesh I was showing and a bit of red from my Lacy bra and groaned .

I scanned my bag hoping to find a pin but I couldn't find any.

'great day to not have any pins on me if I might say '

The elevator doors open and I walk out with my heart in the pit of my stomach craving for the wall to open and swallow me whole .

'maybe they won't notice '

'i hope not '

With a heavy heart I go into the office the Interview was supposed to take place in .

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