chapter 11

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"Hello chatterbox" I gasp looking up at the person that said it . His deep blue gem-like eyes stared deep into my eyes as if piercing into my soul. I have never felt so naked and exposed till now ,till he was here looking at me .

And the shock that came after the end of my daze-like state, turned into anger as I saw the sight before me .

"Hey ,how dare you eat my cookie " I say, smacking his hand so he can drop the last cookie ,glaring at him as my focus moved from him to my empty plate that only had one cookie on it when it was supposed to be three .

"I did know such a thing ,in fact I should say that about you since you started eating something that doesn't belong to you and always getting into trouble " he says blankly with no emotions but his lip where twitching with amusement.

I don't stop glaring at him after hearing that ridiculous excuse for eating my cookies .

He didn't look homeless even if his clothes were simple , he even had a feeling of authority and superiority in everything he did .

While absent mindlessly observing him to which I am sure he could tell, I rubbed a little scar in my neck .

I don't know how and when I got it but with how I am always bumping into things and extremely clumsy , I doubt my body goes a day without an injury.

I see him watch me intently as I rub it cause I can't keep my hands away from it ,his blank gaze softens a bit which creeps me out a little."does it still hurt after what happened" he asks

"Umm no ,I don't even remember how I got it like most of my injuries"I say with a shrug and for the first time since I have met him he looks confused.

"What do you mean you don't remember how you got that? ''he asks with a look that asks how stupid you can be ? .

"Well I don't remember, maybe I scratched my neck too hard. I do that when I am irritated so it won't be a surprise but if you want details I got none" I say with a shrug to which his lips twitch with irritation.

"And here I thought I could make you pay for the trouble you caused " he mutters under his breath which makes me confused

" You want me to pay for my own cookie " I say incredulously flabbergasted. He is so cheap .

I take a big bite of the cookie, eating half in one bite.I look at him with a cheeky smile and feel good that I got the last bite .

He moves close and stares at me with a devilish look. I don't know what compels me to also lean in but I do .

He moved close to my ear like he did the first time we met and licked my ear lobe which sent a shiver down my spine and goosebumps on my skin.

"Don't try to understand me ,you will get nowhere Carina and that's a promise " he whispered in my ear seductively which leaves me breathless and unable to respond .

He stands up and looks at me with a glint of amusement in his eyes and shakes his head before walking away. My eyes follow him till he is out the door .

I breathe out a sigh of relief when I am sure he is gone and not turning off my brain cells with his presence.I don't like him but he always leaves me breathless. This was worse than the last time .

I looked at my hand to finish my cookie to find it gone ,my hand was empty. I looked at the table on the ground and even under the plate but it was nowhere to be seen .

How does one lose a half eaten cookie? I ask myself till I remember the amused look on the guy's face and realize he must have eaten it in my fully dazed state .

I run out of the cafe ready to track him down when I see him staring blankly at another man .

The other man was laughing, his dirty blond hair shiny in the sun and his green eyes burning with mischief .

I walk up to them and glare at the cookie thief ,he looks unfazed by my glare and continues to look unamused at the other man.

"You are a horrible cookie thief " I say, making both of the men turn to face me .

" You can hardly call me horrible when it took you about five minutes to notice your cookie was gone "he says unimpressed.

" Wait so this is the girl, you ate her cookie" the other man's laugh .

" Hi, I am Nathaniel and it's lovely to meet a girl who is brave enough to smack him,next time do it on the head please" he says, stretching out his hand while I shake, giggling , never imagining someone as energetic as Nathaniel could hangout with my cookie thief .

"Very funny but this won't have happened if you hadn't taken my plate with you " he says unimpressed and I finally realize that Nathaniel was in fact holding a plate .

"Aha so I was right you did take my cookie,you were wrong" I say triumphantly .

" I am so glad that you made a mistake, now you can get off your high horse of superiority "I say happily.

" If you think I have an air of superiority then it means you feel inferior and that is not my doing "he says detachedly scrolling through his phone .i feel my blood boil at that and glare at him but like always he seemed unfazed .

"Well since he took your cookies here is compensation"Nathaniel says lowering the plate to which I take three happily I put one in my mouth happily.

"You know I underestimated you " he suddenly says looking at Nathaniel .

" You shouldn't do that ,you know I am too awesome to be underestimated "Nathaniel says with a smile and I could just see Michael and him being buddies .

"Well I underestimated your stupidity when I left you ,who takes plates out of the cafe " he says as if thinking about it seriously while Nathaniel looks away embarrassed scratching the back of his head .

"Well in my defense I was making sure that now would steal your cookies and I succeed"he says and winks at me which makes me laugh.

I turn to walk away when I am suddenly pulled back and a hand holds my chin and tilts me to which his face is so close that we were almost a few inches from kissing.

He suddenly moves back after a few seconds of leaving me squirming and breathless ."we are even with two and a half but not totally even" he says and walks off with Nathaniel waving goodbye and following him and swinging a hand over his shoulder to which he glares at him but does nothing as they turn a corner and disappear.

I don't stop staring till I realize I am probably looking stupid ,I turn to go back to the cafe till I realize something terrible happened.


Chapter 11 is done

Who the man ,am the man { me proceeding to dance like a crazy }

How is out mystery man?

If he is arrogant and cold it will be a win for me .

Keep reading to find out what will happen between to two

Cause there is no smoke with out fire

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