chapter 10

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“Enough”everyone turns to look at me ,I pay no attention to their stares and walk over to Jacob slapping him across the face .

Everyone gasps at what I did as I stare at Jacob whose face is still tilted to the side too shocked to face me .After a few seconds he looks at me still shocked and then I hug him .

“I remember and am sorry" I say hugging,he takes a few seconds to react but hugs me back tightly.

“You're sorry , don't give me that crap you shouldn't apologize, everything is my fault and Julia is right” he sadly looks at Julia who looks away suddenly finding the wall very interesting.

“You want  me to slap you again , my hand feels itchy to slap you again. I guess it's because I missed your slapstick. '' I say teasingly while he rolls his eyes .

" I  am pretty sure the one with the most slappable face is Michael" Jacob says , everyone mutters an agreement while Michael looks flabbergasted.

“Hey that isn't fair " Michael says, folding his arms and turning around pouting which makes him look stupid but adorable.

“Well your cheek  just screams slap me “Stacy says touching his cheek with her finger which Michael swats away with an irritated look .

“It does ,when you stare at it you just have the urge to slap it “liam says looking intently at Michael .

“Hope we are talking about the same cheeks Liam “Stacy says to which Liam glares at her while we all laugh .

“Really we're back to that " Liam says with a groan .

" We never left it “I say laughing ,Liam and Michael were the first to be shipped in the group because of their closeness but they aren't  gay .Michael doesn't care about it but Liam hates that they ship them ,which brings joy to us anytime someone makes a comment about them .

“I haven't heard those nasty comments since you guys left “Michael says which brings back the awkward atmosphere of before .

Way to go Mikey you really know how to read the room  .

“We left because I wanted to forget the past ,which was a mistake because I left the best things in my past .'I say looking out the window avoiding everyone's gaze .

“Well I left because I am her support human ,or she is mine. I don't know one of the two,bb “Stacy says, putting her hand around me .

“I wish my stupidity didn't push you to leave," Jacob says, holding my hand .

“Nah if it did it would probably be a tiny push like a baby pushing a grown man kind of push”I say to which he chuckled and shook his head before pulling me into a hug .

“One more question though" he says looking at me confused .

" Yeah what is it “

" Why did you slap me “he asked, the shock and confusion clear in his voice while I laughed .

“Well that was for our shitty break up did you forget what I said if we break up ,I said if we break up am going to slap you if it's your fault so we can close our chapter and continue back as friends” I say in a sincere voice feeling of nostalgia remember things from the past.

He looks at me with new emotions but I pay no attention to them. Sad emotions are not my thing and I hate them ,they make you weak.

“In fact I think you deserve this " I say to him with a smile ,he looks at me confused but before he can ask I slap him across the face and run away laughing.

He soon understands what just happened and starts chasing me, everyone starts laughing as they hit him with pillows to slow him down .

I hide behind Julia who goes to tackle him ,he holds her  and spins her around till he is breathless ,they stare at each other as if they are the only ones in the room .

“Hey" Jacob says softly smiling ,Julia blushes and says hi while I smile feeling bad I was once angry about them being together.

But now I see that they were meant for each other and it was the best decision he made when he kissed her at graduation .

The awwns Michael and Stacy shouts bring them back to reality,Julia looks away as Stacy and Michael rush to jump her ,Levi looks for the kitchen after he says he is  hungry while I stand smiling.

Jacob walks over to me with concern ,his eyes ask me if I am okay which I nod smiling at him ,at least this time I am aware of what is happening and genuinely happy that everything worked out .

Well for some 

Before I think further ,Levi comes back into the room and plops on a chair with a groan .

“Cari makes me a sandwich,”he says, which  makes me roll my eyes .

“What did you do in the kitchen?" I asked, confused .

“Well I did want to make a sandwich but then I felt yours will be better so I came back now to make me food “he says which makes everyone roll their eyes .

Am about to leave to make it when Stacy stops me to say that we should all go to a nearby cafe to catch up and show Julia the cute barista which Jacob didn't take well but still agreed.


“So that's how we got kicked out of the zoo" Michael says which makes us laugh well except Liam and Jacob who glare at him for telling a story of how they got in trouble because of Michael which happened like every Tuesday.

I laugh at them ,happy that I have another thing to rub in their face till a notification pops up that I have to review some documents immediately from Mr Reed .

I open  my bag and bring out my laptop that I brought because they have great wifi in the cafe.They all boo at me when they realize that I want to work ,so they decide to do the best thing.

They kick me off the table cause I will ruin the vibe .

I find a table at the corner where I settle my laptop and plate of cookies.I continue doing my work while munching till I feel a hand on my plate that isn't mine .

“Hey what the_" I look up to meet a familiar pair of blue eyes smirking at me .

" Hello chatterbox" 

Hi guys chapter 10 done

Past and present are colliding so let's see how Carina will face it

Also who is the stranger

Find out soon.

Vote comment share pls make this dying girl happy

Note :not really dying

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