chapter 4

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The man I gave my  hotdog to is the owner of reed enterprises, Shane reed .

This wasn't what I was expecting

"Umm hello sir "I say and give him small wave whilst  he chuckles .

"How are you doing miss Carina"

"By the way the hotdog was really nice " he says and I laugh nervously.

Oh yeah we never got to taste it

"That's nice "I say .

"Take a sit will you "he says with a laugh and I sit putting on a confident smile .

"I would love to see your reseme " he says with an outstretched hand whilst I take it out from my bag and give it to him.

He looks at it intently as if reading every single letter.

He starts nodding looking impressed and then pauses.

"It says here you have no experience "

"Why is that " he asks with a frown

"Well that is because I am a recent graduate and all my other interviews were a disaster"

"Well not that am a horrible candidate but for other obsurd reason "

"One was because I was a woman"

"The other was because I was dressed like a clown their words not mine "

"But between you and me I pretty sure it was cause I wore clothes  that covered everywhere, like seriously the rest were dressed like whores"

"I tried to change the dressing for the next interview but it was like the owner was a nun , she called me a whore and kicked me out before i could even start talking"

"The last one was because a man couldn't stop staring at my boobs because the top button pulled off from my blouse and his wife was there "

"So that ended up so bad I literally wanted to _"

A cough interrupted my outburst and I turn to see the ceo smiling at me warmly

"Did anyone tell you , that you talk too much " he asks amused and I  blush .

Dang nabbit Cari why do have to always babble on and on about stupid things

You are like a broken tap

'well that was mean '

That was the point

"Well people tell me that alot "

"Well at least am not as bad as Stacy my bestie "

"No she can talk for days on end "

"Am quiet compared to her "

"One time we were talking about clocks but she ended up talking to the point that we ended up talking about firetrucks also like how do those to go together I was even _"

"Miss Carina ,I get it but for the sake of time and my sanity let's continue shall we "he laughs and I go red with embarrassment.

'you are right I am like a broken tap '

Told you

"So tell me why I should hire you to be my secretary.

"Well  ,can you tell me why I should consider you as my secretary" he ask and I nod with confidence surging through me

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