chapter 13

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"what just happened?" The questions linger in thought at the weird phone call I just received.

Just get here damn it .

Mr Reed has never been angry before ,well all the times I have seen him he has never lost his calm and cool self talk less curse .

What is happening?

Well we better get there if we want to find out .

Now would be a good time to do so.

I do a once over on my clothes before rushing out, to make sure I don't go to the office looking like a clown.

I rush into the living room to see everyone there relaxed,they all turn to me with confused expressions.

"Where are you off to in a rush? " Jacob asks with raised eyebrows as I pick up my bags and keys and rush to the door.

"Work emergency,see yourselves out I might be late, not sure "I say rushing out into the hallway.

" Don't worry we are here till you or back "Michael shouts rushing to the door making sure I hear him,I roll my eyes not bothering to turn back or answering.

"Who wants Pizza?" Michael shouts to which I hear hollering in approval.

Lucky them I want pizza. They better save a slice or two for me or else I will kick them out of the apartment.


Walking into the building, that has come to feel like a home ,more than a workplace ,makes a small smile form just a brief moment .I can't smile knowing that the person that made this building feel like a home is in trouble ..... Well I can't say trouble is more like a dilemma .

I wonder why he called me here when it's my day off. He never does that ?

Well we better get going the sooner we go the sooner we get answers .

Well all I hope is that we aren't rushing to our dismissal in the company and our early retirement.

I shake off the stupid exaggerated thoughts, I know Mr Reed will never fire me ..... Well I hope he will never fire me .

I rush into the building, not bothering to make conversation with Luciana ,the receptionist.

"Hold on Carina" she says which makes  me halt. Luciana knows that whenever I rush into the building , I am in a hurry and can't talk so she doesn't bother . If she stops me even though she knows I am in a rush then it should be important news or important gossip.

"Are you here because of the important man that walked into the building an hour ago I had a feeling that they would call ,Daisy is good but not as efficient as you "

" Sorry they had to call you on your day off "she says with a sympathetic tone but her face was flushed which made me confused.

"How did you know that they would call me and how do you know that the  man is important "

" We are the one of the most powerful enterprises in the state, almost the country, most of our clients are important "I give her a bored look , she looks like she is daydreaming and didn't even listen to what I just said .

"Easy, all of Mr Reed's personal guards  bowed as he walked by, even  the head guard Edgar ,he personally escorted the man "she says and I stare at her shocked.

Oh wow this guy is important, his personal guards don't pay attention to anyone no matter who you are , Edgar once held the vice president of the United States in a choke hold and didn't even let go after knowing who he was .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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