14 : why I am feeling bad ?

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Sorry for delay
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"by the way tell were you missing me ha " he ask making her shut.

She didn't know what to say coz she was herself confused that she was missing him or not.

"I was not missing you ok" she say while little hesitating.

"Mm.. you are the lieing" he ask teasingly.

"How do you know I am lieing" she replied back.

"If you were not missing me then why you come running like that ha? " he say confidently.

"How do you know I was running ha? " she ask thinking now he has left no answers.

"It's mean you were running see I was right you were missing me " he replied.

" I say na I wasn't missing you " She say trying to make him understand.

" you wer...." Before he could complete Anushka come their.

"Guys come principal is announcing something come " anu says and started going.

"You stop I am also coming " and she quickly grab her bag and started behind her.

" I will take my answer later miss silent" he say little loudly so she could listen and avneet palm her head with her hand.

"What will he ask ha " anu says to avneet who hold her hand and started walking with her.

"Nothing forgot him and come" she say trying to distract her.

Sid also take his things and started going when he see ashi coming their and he go towards her and they smile at each other and hold each other and started going together towards inside.

They reach inside the hall where principal is going to announce. Avu look around to find Sid and she see him with Ashi she don't know but she didn't like that he is coming with Ashi not her but she shrug her thought and started seeing towards the principal.

"Good morning my students today I am here to announce that from next week your exams are starting and these exam are for your mid term preparation but you must be confused why I call you here because after these exams we all have a surprise for you all you be ready for surprise and give good exams coz the students who pass the exam only get the surprise" principal says and left the stage and all the started coming out.

Devil gang also come with Sid as ashi went with her friends.

"Again these exams started I hate exams " Sid said.

"Us bro us " faisu replied.

"But I am excited for the surprise sir is talking about" Anushka says

"Me too maybe this is a party" Jan replied.

"Or a vacation" ri continue.

"Or a picnic " faisu continue.

"If this is a trap for us to study" reem says.

"Reem wow you are so different" Sid say taunting.

"Guys first prepare for exams he says only those will get the surprise who passed the paper " Avu says to them.

"Ya you are right" Sid says

"I am always right" she say in slow voice so no one can listen but Sid listen it and he look at him and she look away.

"Now our last group Option study" reem says.

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