25th member- DarthJader2005

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25th member of the book club: DarthJader2005 

Enrolled Books:

Enrolled Books:

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Genre: Horror 

Blurb: My story, please don't steal it. Since I'm going through a tough time... I'm gonna pour my heart out in this...

 I'm gonna pour my heart out in this

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Genre: Horror

Blurb: Short horror stories that I came up with.

⚠️Warning!⚠️ Contains graphic content! Such as, blood, gore, and very detailed.

⚠️Warning!⚠️ Contains graphic content! Such as, blood, gore, and very detailed

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Genre: Fantasy

Blurb: Three warriors, Link, Zelda, and Jade, fight against the evil forces of Ganon. They must protect the Triforce from Ganon's grasp, as he wants to rule the world, more importantly to him, rule Hyrule. Ganon will stop at nothing to get the power of the Triforce, as he plays his many tricks amongst Hyrule. Will they be able to stop him for good?

Current read-for-read partner: PastorMarvin

(Note: There's no deadline for reading books.
Don't forget to tag me in constructive comment of each chapter (not in-line ones)) 

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