He didn't know exactly how much he had been situated in that one position, maybe hours or even days, but one thing he could tell... He was on the verge of a breakdown, whether physical as well as a mental, he was no longer bleeding his wounds were pretty well treated, and he assumed that those who kidnapped him wanted to play with him in their psychopathic and hijacked way. Still, something held him over the precipice without letting him fall into the depths of madness.
"Tara." This he repeated to himself while on the verge of tears, this he repeated to himself while feeling the pain and fatigue piercing him. This was probably the simplest motivation for any guy who is willing to give his life for the person he loves. However, he knew.
He won't get out, there's not the slightest chance of that. He was in a darkened room, chained to an uncomfortable steel chair, with his wrists feeling the extreme bindings of the ropes around them. He didn't eat much, nor did he drink. Their goal was probably to keep him alive until their revenge was complete. Probably if he tried to show any willingness to fight, he would meet the fate of the assassins' other victims... Rather, the sheer effort of getting up and walking to the exit would have caused his wounds to open up and his legs to decline for lack of needed fuel in the form of essential calories.
He did not exchange a word with any individual visiting the room. There were two of them as far as he knew, still dressed in that iconic outfit consisting of a dark robe and a ghost mask. Once he survived an encounter with these beasts, he even managed to put a bullet in one's head.
He squinted his exhausted eyes at the appearance of a sudden blinding light, this was the first time in three days that the light reached his eyes, it was so surreal in a way, but in the end, he could more or less see where he was. "A movie theater?" That's what he could call it, he was on a pedestal turned toward the chairs where the audience was seated. In other words, right behind him was a screen.
At the top of the stairs stood a person in that very guise. Ghostface, in a position as if towering over him in every possible way, Y/N felt frustration and hopelessness, but also knew there was nothing he could do about it now. This blank figure stared at him, and Y/N returned this faded expression.
He had decided on something. "It's pretty pathetic if you think about it any longer," Y/N uttered words for the first time since the kidnapping. Ghostface turned his head to the side, then began to walk down toward the 19-year-old. "Two against one? You guys kidnapped me for your revenge?" He even laughed, ochrily and with a hint of madness. "Even if you kill me, Sam or Tara will take care of you."
"Them? They didn't look like that..." He mockingly commented, earning a desired shocked reaction from Y/N. His face contorted in horror at this information. Such words in the boy's position meant something very bad.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
The assassin knelt in front of Y/N putting the knife to his wrist. "Unfortunately, I didn't manage to kill them..." Y/N momentarily breathed a sigh of relief. "But as I say... They are no threat at all. They ran away begging for help, and people died because of them, but it's rather a needed sacrifice on the road to revenge."
"You're fucked up, just like Amber or Richie-"
Ghostface delivered a blow to Y/N's cheek. Instead of going into some kind of panic, the boy managed to pick up something suspicious. "He reacted that way to saying Richie's name, right? Revenge? Ah! Right, they may be closely related to Richie. That is, they are not random people playing killers."
The assassin has realized his act, from the beginning they had no intention of giving themselves away in their grandiose plan of revenge and scheming... This was to be left for the last act, as one of them said in secret, but assuming that Y/N is not by his standards some mega-intelligence he expected him not to connect the dots and continue to remain ignorant about their goal, or rather who they are and who they want to remain until the death of those who have harmed them.