Part 54

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A/N - All translations from English to another language in this chapter and any chapter where they speak French or Spanish and now Bulgarian, is done with google translate so if it doesn't make sense blame google.

Also I will put the English underneath the the language so you know what I'm saying.


Third Person POV

It's the second day back at Hogwarts and to say Allison was excited to her friends was an understatement.

Every day since her and Mattheo came back from Rosier Estate, Allison had gone around telling anyone and everyone that her friends were coming to Hogwarts.

Dumbledore had told everyone that they needed to be in the great hall for 10am but when the schools were entering everyone could be in the corridors.

It reminded most of them of the tri wizard tournament that happened 2 years ago. Beauxbatons are coming to Hogwarts which means Allison has the delight of seeing her old classmates.

Apparently it's only quidditch players, students who top of their year and anyone from 6th year and 7th year.

No one actually knows why so many witches and wizards are coming to Hogwarts but no one's complaining. The girls want to see all the boys from Durmstrang and the boys want to see all the girls from Beauxbatons.

And then there's the fourth school.

No one actually knows what school is going to be the fourth. Is it Ilvermony? Is it Castelobruxo? Could it be Uagadou? The answer is no one knows.

Ilvermony has 4 houses just like most of the other Wizarding schools. Their uniform is different based on what house your in just like hogwarts.

If your in Horned Serpents you have a black robe with dark purple on the inside. You have a white shirt with a black and purple tie.

If your in Thunderbird then you have a black robe with a dark blue inside. Again you have a white shirt but a black and blue tie.

If your in Pukwudgie then you have a black robe with a gold inside. Like all houses your shirt is white but you have a green tie.

And finally if your in Wampus you have a black robe with a red inside. Again you have a white shirt but your tie is red and black.

The houses are all equal to hogwarts houses. Wampus is equal to Gryffindor.
Pukwudgie is equal to Hufflepuff.
Horned serpent is equal to Ravenclaw
And Thunderbird is equal to Slytherin

(I checked the last 2 and apparently they are correct)

Most of hogwarts are fascinated with Ilvermony as you never hear what's going on over there.

The time is 9am and Allison is excited. The schools were told to be here for 10am but are most likely going to be early.

The group of Slytherins are on the couches in their common room, Allison is sat between Pansy and Mattheo. Daphne and Jake are on the love seat. Molly is sat between Enzo and Theodore. Draco is on the chair while Blaise is on the floor in front of the fire.

Allison's POV

"Ok so what if the boys are really fit?"

"Pansy stop crushing on people you haven't even met"

I turn to look at Theodore "Theodore, if the girls are fit would you sleep with them?"

"Depends on how fit they actually are" I shake my head "your supposed to say no"

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