Shizu part 4

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Kaval:So then shizu has passed away

Gido:Hold on how do we know for sure that your really Frieza



Kaval:Ahh no that's not what we meant at all it's just weird seeing a human instead of Frieza

Frieza :Well it's me watch-turns back-


Gido:Not going to lie I'm impressed

Eren:Does than mean you absorbed shizu the same way you absorbed ifrit

Frieza :l did but it was was the only burial I could give her.. I'm sorry I should have consulted with you guys before I did anything

Kaval:No after all you were just honoring her last request so its fine

Frieza :Sorry guys you must really think I'm a monster

Eren:Mhm but to be honest I really wish I could say goodbye to her

Frieza :Before she died she told me that she had a lot of fun traveling with vou three but she did tell me vou were all attracting danger to much-eyeing Kraval-

Kaval:Hey come on don't blame me

Eren:You're the leader


Kaval:Huh what about you remember the pit fall!

Gido: hold on that only happened because eren pushed me!

Eren:No you fell because you're clumsy!

Frieza thought:Honestly this Behavior suite's them a lot more than being sad

Frieza : Actually it kind of sounds like you guys relied on her too much

Ranga and Rigurd:Mhm - nodding-

Time Skip

Kaval:We appreciate all your help but we should be heading out

Frieza :Back to your home country

Kaval:Yeah we got to report back to the Guild Master about here and shizu and don't worry we only have good things to say about this place

Eren:Yeah we will also say something about you

Gido:If anything ever comes up you can count on us

Frieza :Thank very much I'll keep that in mind

Then Trio look at each other and nod

Kaval:Hey can we ask you for one more favor

Frieza :Yes what's the favour?

Kaval:Do you think you could maybe take your human form again?

Frieza : yes sure I guess

Frieza then turns into her human form

Trio: - bow their heads-Shizu thank you so much for everything

Kaval:And I'll try to be the kind of leader you won't have to worry about

Gido:We had some great times together I'll treasure those memories

Eren:-walks up to Frieza and hugs her- Thank you.. you became like a big sister to me shizu

-Frieza hugs back and pats her while she starts crying-

Frieza thought: I'm actually really glad that shizu's last journey was with these three amazing Adventurers

-Eren pulls away-

Frieza: Oh that reminds me I want to offer you better amour then what you're wearing right now

Trio:Huh how mean

Now  they are wearing the new amour

Kaval:No way this stuff is like my dream armor

Eren:Wow look at the quality of this robe its light and sturdy not to mention real pretty

Gido:Someone pinch me l've never owned such fine quality before wow it's even lined with fur of a direwolf

Frieza :Some of our Artisans best work


Frieza :Hey Kaijin

They then turn and see an dwarfed walking towards them

Kaiiin:l wouldn't call them our best work there only prototypes

Garm:So do they fit you all right

Dord:It's all about craftsmanship you know


Frieza :l'll introduce you from the right this is Kaijin, Garm, Myrd, and Dord

Kaval:Wait kaijin no way

Eren:As in kaijin the wolds greatest famous blacksmith

Gido:And garm, Myrd, and Ford the 3 renowned dwarf brothers

Kaval:-shakes kaijin hand-Thank you so much I'll make it an heirloom

Eren:-hugs garm and myrd-I'm so happy

Frieza thought : Wow I never realized that kaijin and his brothers had such a prestigious reputation'

Time Skip

Frieza PoV

After thanking the dwarves the three travelers went on their way I have to admit there much more resilient then I gave them credit for

A girl who lost everything in a fire ironically managed to gain fire during her travels she went on to use that ability to help others but the flames within gradually consumed her until the day came where she could no longer control them this girl's name was shizue izawa she was a champion who's body house ifrit harboring the fire spirit earned her the name conqueror of flames

Frieza and Ranga are seen praying to a pile of rock that represent a grave for Shizue Izawa

Frieza :l won't forget the promise I made to shizu but before I can go and deal with cromwell the dudley demon lord who made her cry I need to gather some information

Frieza :In the end I always was someone who keeps all her promises

their you have it the Women who believed she had nothing but an ordinary and uneventful life a woman who was stabbed on the street and died was reincarnated as her favourite anime character and how she went to inherit the will of the storm dragon veldora and a human woman shizue and found her purpose she is now an Icejin/ Frost demon by the name of Frieza Tempest

Frieza : I love my human form but I think this one feels better

Third person PoV

We know see some kind of creature walking all alone in the desert looking like he is about to fall and then he falls face first and his Cape falls off to reveal a orc but suddenly a man walks up to him

_: I think I'll give you a name and some food

_:Who are you

Gelmud : I am gelmud if you like just think of me as your father...would you prefer or die

_:Give me a name I'll take that and the food

Gelmud:Very well I shall name you Geld

Geld then starts glowing

Gelmud:One day you will take possession of the great forest of jura and become the orc disaster -gives him food-

Geld:-starts eating like a savage animal-

Reincarnated as female FriezaWhere stories live. Discover now