The great clash part 4

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But before the general can take Gabirus life we can see something or more accurately someone blocking the attack and it's none other than ...Gobta!


Gabiru: Y-You're that goblin from this Mutans village!

Gobta: Huh?

Gobta thought: what's this guy talking about? What mutant?

A/n: Gobta doesn't know he refers to Frieza as mutant and just assumed he hit his head too hard

Gabiru: What are you doing here?!

Gabiru starred in disbelief when ranga came up and stood next to his side

Ranga: His name is Gobta , captain of the Goblin riders.

Gabiru: h-huh ! The Direwolf!

Ranga: My name is Ranga . I've come to help you on my master Friezas orders.

Gabiru: how did you get here?

Ranga: Shadow Movement. Are you in incapable of learning?

The orc general started to chuckle making everyone look at him

Orc general: Frieza you say? I don't know who any of you are but if you will stand in my way, I will show no-

Before he could finish his sentence gigantic explosions took off right behind him wiping out most of the orc army

Gobta: oh looks like it started

Orc general thought: the great magic of Lizardmen? I must end this quickly and end whoever is using great magic!

Gobta: -looks over to Gabiru- So, um...Gabiru was it? We should assume a defensive formation.

Gabiru: I understand but..

More and more explosions take place

Gabiru: what are those flames?

Gobta: no need to worry, they're on our side.

In the middle of the battle field we can make out the people responsible for the explosions Benimaru, Shion and Hakurou

Benimaru: this is why I told you to move

Orc: wh-who are you?!

Benimaru: What you don't remember us? That's harsh. You devoured our village remember?

Benimaru looked up smirking at the orcs

Orc: those horns...are you Ogres?!

Benimaru: Are we now? That might not be quite true anymore.

Then Benimaru opened his palm and a little violet flame appeared in it

Benimaru: It is time .

Shion: We must thank the great lady Frieza for giving us this opportunity

Benimaru: i'll say it once more... move out the way pigs... unless you want to be wiped out without a trace

All the orcs began to feel nervous just then Benimaru fired the flame 🔥 from his palm..the orcs moved out of the first the flame seemed harmless but when it finally touched the ground it wiped out all the orcs that were standing there

And above in the sky we see Frieza (in her human form) floating above the battle field

Frieza: wow

Orc general: it's appears you have come to assist the lizards, but you waste your time. Goblins and dogs, the arrival of worthless monster such as yourselves will not sway our superiority in the least!

Gobta:😡 Worthless?!

Ranga: We will show you then

Rangas began to glow red and his aura turned dark

Storm clouds started forming and hundreds of tornadoes 🌪️ formed with lightning strikes and wiped out more orcs

Frieza: H-Huh?! ..What is this ?

{ Answer. This is individual Rangas wide-range attack, Death storm}


The orc general struggled against the attack and lost his axe to it but wrapped his arms around around himself hoping to hold on longer with his

Orc general: Curse you!

Unfortunately for the orc general his attempts where all useless in the end when a large lightning strike electrocuted him and ultimately killed him

Ranga howled in victory but at the same time he grew in size, another horn appeared on his head and he glowed in violet

When it was over it was clear Ranga was now a Tempest Star Wolf!

Gobta: wow!🤩 He turned into a Tempest Star Wolf!

Ranga: Do you see now Orcs?! This is a fraction of the power of the one you mocked as being worthless!

Looking in front of them where once the orcs stood was now turned into ashes

Gobta: It blew everything away...

But the battle wasn't over yet the had many more orcs to dispose of

More and more explosions caused by Benimaru could be seen

Benimaru: This is our brand new beginning.

Hakurou is seen slicing orcs in half with his sword

Hakurou: Of lady Friezas many glorious victories in war...

Shion: This will be the first you see!

Orc: Don't get cocky!

The orcs ran up to Shion in order to eliminate her but the enemy underestimated the opponent as Shion killed them with a single strike of her sword 🗡️

Shion:-looks up at Frieza and waves at her- Lady Frieza!

Frieza: Y-Yeah

Frieza thought : I hope I never get on her bad side...but anyway . That overwhelming Orc army is shrinking before my eyes. I guess those Kijin really are a major asset. Man, I hope they still want to be friends after this war is over. I wonder how things are going for Souei...

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