The gear spin out of control

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Treyni: Greetings ruler of the monsters and all of those who are loyal to her please pardon my unannounced visit. I am a dryad from the forest of Jura. Please call me Treyni. It is a pleasure to meet you Frieza Tempest Esther ruler of all monsters please help us.

Frieza thought: I have a feeling I know what she's going to say-

Treyni: We need you to defeat the orc lord.

Frieza thought: Knew it

- Before Frieza could answer that Benimaru got in front of her-

Benimaru: that's quite the request seeing as you dropped in out of nowhere you wouldn't mind answering a few questions would you?

Frieza: hmmm 🤔 Why did she come to you specifically?

Benimaru: there are much stronger racist than the Hobgoblins....Why did you come to us?

Treyni: yes I suppose had the ogre village not been destroyed I might have gonethere. Though even if that were not the case, I no longer can ignore a certainindividually existence. If our settlement were to come under attack from the orcs, we couldn't possibly fend them off on their own. That's why I came here to request assistance from someone stronger.

Frieza: You mean to tell that the orc Lord really exist until now it was just a theory we came up with.

Treyni: Well the dryads have knowledge of essentially everything that happens in this forest believe me he is real.

-The whole room goes silent while everyone stares at her shocked about the new information-

Rigurd: if she acknowledges it

Kanijin: that means it must be all true

Frieza: hmm...Give me time to answer...helping the kijin is one thing but fighting against the orc Lord is a different story. I need a little more information before I decide.

-Treyni looks at her shocked but then just smiles-

Time skip

Frieza: Alright, back to business let's talk about the orcs.. does anyone know what they could be after?

Shuna: I think I might have an idea about that actually

-Frieza signalling her to continue speaking and she looks over at Souei-

Shuna: Souei you did investigate about our old village right?

Souei: correct.

Shuna: charging by your tone, it's nothing good. You couldn't find anything.

Souei: yes there was nothing there. No oneof our and no one ..of theirs.

Frieza: wait.. what ..there was no corpse of either the ogres or the orcs?

Souei: yes that's correct

-Frieza is shocked by the new information-

Benimaru: we were wondering how they were getting supplies for such a large army how they could feed an army of 200,000 orcs...

Frieza: A-Are you saying they ate the corpses ?!

Treyni: it's a unique skill called 'starved'

Frieza: what can the skill do?

Treyni: every orc Lord has the skill with the purpose of bringing calamity and ruin to the world. it's influence reaches all those who serve under the orc lord making them devour everything in sight..doing so allows them to absorb their victims strength and abilities ..
making those power their own.

-We can see the orc army walking through the desert until one of them dies and they stop and head towards the dead body-

Orc army: the strength of this comrade we eat is now ours!

-they  then start eating the dead body of their fallen comrade-

Orc army: the abilities of pray arenow ours!

Back at the meeting

Treyni: it is rather similar to your predator skill return for the starved skill they have
insatiable hunger the orcs march forward with one goal in mind... to set an endless hunger and gain power.

Treyni: precisely that is their kings and entire whole clans only wish

Frieza: so their goal isn't to wipe out superior racist what they really want is to steal powers..

-silence with means yes-

Frieza: if that is true we really have to worry we have the tempest wolves, kijin and hobgoblins... with those powers it won't take long before they will come to us next..

Benimaru: i'm sure we are a good side dish, but aren't you forgetting the main course?

Frieza: huh ?

Benimaru: We have one of the strongest beings as our leader remember

Frieza: oh ...yes ahem anyway have you found out more?

Treyni: yes in addition we were recently able to confirm there is a majin behind the orc lords appearance. This person is a subordinate of the Demon Lord.

Frieza thought : Treyni did say that dryad have knowledge of everything that happens in the forest...

Treyni: Frieza tempest..

-Frieza stands up-

Treyni: Once again, I request you to defeat the orc Lord as someone who has the protection of veldora, has recruited Direwolves and became patrons of the esteemed kijins taking down the orc lord ot should be easy for you.

Frieza thought: advisor should I trust what she is saying?

{Advisor: The dryads are the caretakers of the forest of Jura. They are sad to be the ones who pass divine justice on villains and any who dared to harm the forest}

Frieza thought: hm... 200,000 is a lot but I also want to help ...

-Shion grabs Frieza arm-

Shion: Of course Lady Frieza is quite capable of vanquishing the orc Lord.

Treyni: I see then you accept my request

Shion: yes!

Frieza: 😑
-change back into her ice Jin form-
alright, I will find a way to defeat the orc Lord, but I'm going to need everyone here

-Shuna stands up-

Shuna: you can count on us!

-Benimaru stands up-

Benimaru: yes this is what I have been waiting for!

-Kaijin stands up-

Kaijin: we have complete faith in you just tell us what to do!

-Rigurd stands up-

Rigurd: You are our ruler let's show theses orcs how strong we are!

-everyone in the meeting stands up and start to cheer-

Reincarnated as female FriezaWhere stories live. Discover now