Chapter 8

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After a few minutes, you follow Sawyer back into his house. When you walk in, he's making scrambled eggs and hash on the stove. Your favorite breakfast, and he knows it.
You go into his bathroom and unwind the gauze on your hands. The cuts are still there, but at least they aren't as bad anymore. You find your phone in your pocket and send a text to your mother.
Stayed the night at Sawyer's. Probably gonna stay for today too.
With that settled, you walk back into the kitchen. Sawyer's still cooking, but he ignores you for the moment. You find your way back outside and sit down on his front steps.
Why does everything have to be so difficult? you wonder. Why can't he just realize that he means more to me than anything else in the world?
Sawyer comes out of the house behind you, but you don't turn around. He sits on the step above yours.
"I'm sorry. For everything." he admits. "I was stupid, and I didn't mean any of it. I hurt your feelings, and that's something I'll never forgive myself for. We're best friends, and sometimes I forget how much you mean to me. I'm sorry."
You start to tear up a little bit. "Sawyer, we will always be friends forever, and nothing will change that. I can't imagine the world without you. I'm sorry too. Will you forgive me?"
He clears his throat. You turn around to see his guitar balanced on his lap. "I was going to ask you the same thing," he says, blushing.
"You know I can't resist it when you sing," you tease. He just smiles and begins to sing, his fingers gently strumming the guitar strings. He's even playing your favorite song of his, A Thousand Years by Christina Perri.

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid
To fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt
Suddenly goes away somehow

You blush, absorbed in the music and the sweet sound of Sawyer's voice. His chords resonate in the early morning light with depth and beauty. You've never heard him sing it this beautifully before. You move up a step to sit next to him as he continues the song.

One step closer

You join him in singing the chorus.

I have died everyday
Waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more

Tears spill over as he hums the last notes. He looks over, blushing a little. "Did you like it?" he asks, putting an arm around your shoulders and holding you close.
"I loved it," you whisper. "That was perfect." He smiles and squeezes your arm. "I'm glad you liked it." he says. "Now, shall we eat some breakfast?"
You think for a second. "Can we stay out here a little longer first?"
He grins. "I can do better than that. Stay here." He gets up and disappears inside. Two minutes later, he emerges carrying two plates of food. You look down at your plate to see that he has made a ketchup smiley-face on your eggs and you smile. "Really Sawyer?"
He just laughs. "I didn't know if you would like the song or not, so I came prepared just in case."
You swat him playfully on the arm. "Liar! You know I love any song you sing!"
He giggles again, but before he can take a bite of his food, his phone starts to ring. He runs inside to grab it, and you stay silent on the steps in order to listen.
"Hey, what's up... Nothing, everything's fine... Uh-huh... Yeah... Okay... Alright then... Hmm? Yeah, she's here... What for?... That's personal... Fine."
He comes back out, the phone in hand. "My publicist wants to talk to us," he says, sounding a bit worried. He puts the phone on speaker and sets it between us.
"Hello kids. Sorry to bother you, but I heard of a certain incident yesterday. I don't think I need to repeat myself, so I'll get straight to the point: Sawyer, unless you want her in the spotlight too, I highly recommend not going to public places with a girl who is already being labeled as your secret lover."
Sawyer looks astonished. "She's my best friend, what do you want me to do?"
The voice on the phone just sighs. "I'm sorry, but you two need to limit yourselves from now on. You're on a new level here, and it can get dangerous."
Now Sawyer's frantic. "Help me out here! I don't want her wrapped up in all of this! What can I do to help her?"
The voice sounds tired now. "I've already told you sweetie: lay low, or she makes the front page tomorrow."
Click. They've hung up.
You look at Sawyer, who is now just about shaking with anger. "Sawyer? Are you okay?"
He grits his teeth together, and his answer is strained. "I don't want you wrapped up in this world. It's cruel and stressful. I'll do anything to keep you out of danger."
He stomps back inside, leaving you to worry not only about your best friend's future, but also yours.

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