Chapter 23

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"Hey Tigress, wake up. We gotta leave soon. Our plane leaves at 8:30."
You flicker your eyelids. Sawyer's signature goofy smile is plastered on his face. He's leaning over the couch and shaking you. You groan and press your face back into the pillow. "It's only Saturday Soy Sauce," you mumble. "Go back to sleep."
He giggles. "Um, it's Monday morning silly." he teases. You open one eye. "Hmm?"
Now he's smirking. "Don't you remember? Saturday we stayed in relaxation mode all day because you were still coughing, and on Sunday we were packing, discussing album names, and arranging where our apartment's going to be. That makes today Monday, doofus."
Your eyes shoot open. "What? I could've sworn it was Saturday!" Sawyer walks into the kitchen. "Well it's good that you don't swear then. C'mon, let's go! Get your breakfast and change and let's get out of here!"
You check your phone and see that it's already six in the morning. "Shoulda woken me up earlier," you grumble as you scramble to get ready. The two of you are taking a two hour flight from Albany to Chicago, then three hours to LA from there. Sawyer's not very enthusiastic about the plane, but you are. You haven't been on one since you were a little girl going to see your family in California. You run into the bathroom and throw on a pair of sweats for the long journey and a tank top with a zip up hoodie in case it gets chilly. You shove all your belongings into your suitcase and hurry into the kitchen. Sawyer's already gone to his room to get ready, but there's a plate with toast and sausage on the table.
You eat as quickly as you can, and your best friend comes back as you're putting away your dishes. He's also wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, with one of his favorite hats. "How's your throat feeling?" he asks, brushing past you to get something from the other room. You shrug, remembering the fall into the pond. "A little sore but good." you tell him, suppressing the urge to cough. This cheers him up. "That's good," he says. "One thing out of the way, and about a bazillion more to clear."
You smile pitifully. "Aww, you poor soul. I almost feel bad for you."
He scowls and mocks you under his breath just as his mother comes in. She pulls you both in for a hug, and when she finally releases you she swats Sawyer. "I saw that," she warns. He blushes and chuckles. She looks at you apologetically. "I'm so sorry your parents had to work this morning," she says sadly. You smile. "It's fine. I know they love me and that they only want me to have a happy trip."
She smiles back and claps her hands together. "Okay kids, it's already forty after six. Let's get a move on!"
Lugging your bag outside, you toss it in the back of Sawyer's car and clamber in the back seats. Sawyer sits shotgun while Mrs. Fredericks gets in the driver's seat and pulls away from the farm. Sawyer stares out the window at his home until it fades from view.
The next hour or so is filled with chats and car games like 20 Questions. ("How many legs do you have?"
"Sawyer, that's not a yes or no question."
"Oh yeah.")
Eventually you reach the airport. Sawyer stows his hat in his carry-on and puts his hair back in ponytail. You chuckle lightly at his percaution. "Sawyer, if you're recognized it will be by a fan. Relax a little. The press can't get through here. They don't even know when we're leaving."
He sighs. "I know, but you can never be too careful. You seem excited."
"Well, duh!" you giggle, stifling a yawn. "I haven't been on an airplane in ten years!"
Finally, after filling out your papers allowing two minors to fly together, it's almost boarding time. Mrs. Fredericks pulls you guys in for one last tearful embrace. "I'll miss you both so so much," she sobs. Sawyer kisses her cheek reassuringly. "Bye mom. We'll be fine, don't worry. If anything goes wrong, Dad will hop on the next flight and meet us there."
She walks out of the airport with tears running down her face and you sit down with Sawyer to wait for your plane. You're definitely excited, but you're also really nervous. The past few days have felt like a dream, but now it's really hitting you. It's actually happening. You're really going to LA with your best friend.
You start to take deep breaths to calm yourself down. Sawyer notices and chuckles. You shove his arm. "Shut up," you hiss.
He keeps on teasing you anyways. "Nervous, are we?"
"A bit. Why do you ask?"
"Maybe it's the fact you sound like you're about to hyperventilate, but I'm not sure."
"I feel like I'm gonna pass out. It's not funny."
"It's probably just the nerves mixing with the heat. You want some water?"
"Nope. I'll be fine."
"You look pretty pale though..."
"I'm really fine. You're right, it's just the nerves and the heat. Just let me relax a little."
After about ten minutes of you gripping your chair like it's your lifeline the plane is finally ready to board. You pass security and flop down next to Sawyer in a seat. He got a middle seat like he always despised. Your relief is short lived however as you take off. You squeeze your eyes shut and hold on to the sides of the seat for dear life until the plane tilts so it's flat again. Sawyer rolls his eyes at your little panic attack. "That's my Tigress," he smirks as you sit there gasping like a fish, attracting many stares from onlookers. "I'm never doing that again," you sputter. Sawyer just laughs at you. "You kinda have to. Sorry."
Great. This is going to be a fun flight.

Hey guys! This will be my last update for the week. If you want to know why, check my latest A/N. Sorry about the wait, I promise chapter 24 will be up ASAP! I also asked you guys if I should make a series out of this or one long story and all of my responses so far have been series. Keep giving me feedback so I can decide, it's all in my previously published part! Go back and read it! Thank you! I love you guys!

Bye for now!

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