Chapter 7

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You dream of Sawyer all night, but all good dreams must come to an end. Anyways, something is telling you to wake up, so you slowly open your eyes. It's early morning, and the sunlight is shimmering off of the tiny dewdrops on the blades of grass around you. At first you don't realize, but then you see it: Somewhere in the night, Sawyer must have rolled over, because now one of his arms is draped over your shoulders and you can feel his soft breath tickling the back of your ear.
With a sigh of content, you close your eyes again and try to listen to the distant sounds of chirping birds, but all you can focus on is Sawyer's closeness. If only he knew you liked him, then maybe it could be like this all the time.
Right then, a blade of grass tickles your nose. You fight the urge to sneeze, and you move it out of the way with your fingers. Sawyer yawns, but falls back asleep and snuggles closer to you. His warmth is comfortable on this chilly morning, but that stupid grass won't leave you alone. You risk another peek at Sawyer. He looks perfectly peaceful as he sleeps, smiling even. You decide to try and move the grass again, but the movement rouses Sawyer. For one moment everything's perfect, but then the comforting closeness of your best friend is ripped away. You look over at Sawyer to see that he jumped backwards a fair distance. He looks quite embarrassed, but also mortified.
"What was that?!?" he exclaims, sounding a bit angry.
You start to laugh. "I didn't want to wake you up! You were sleeping!"
"Well then, next time elbow me or something!"
He's definitely mad now.
"Geez! Fine then, if I'm that repulsive to you, I'll let myself freeze in my sleep next time."
Now he looks a bit guilty. "You know that's not what I meant. And there won't be a next time."
"I know perfectly well what you meant." You say, rolling your eyes at him.
"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean it like that."
"You seem to be saying that a lot these past few days."
"I'm really sorry. That's not what I meant to say."
You can never say no to Sawyer when he's begging. "I know Sawyer." You say while yawning and stretching your arms. The gauze now wrapped around your palms seem like memories that happened long ago, not just last night. Meanwhile, Sawyer's getting to his feet. He starts to walk back to his house.
"Where are you going?" you ask.
"Breakfast." was his only answer.
This behavior isn't like him. You begin to worry that what happened last night had permanently damaged your friendship with Sawyer. Your mind fills with the terrifying thought of losing your best friend, and you begin to wonder if the rift between you two will ever be fixed.

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