Chapter 17

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It's a warm night with the blazing fire, and after some time you start to nod off on Sawyer's shoulder. He gently shakes you awake after you finally doze off. Startled, you see that you two are the only ones left outside. Everyone else has gone to bed already. Sawyer giggles and puts out the fire.
"Sorry about that," you say, trying to apologize, but he just smiles. "It's okay. Didn't bother me at all. They left before you fell asleep."
"And how long ago was that exactly?"
"About half an hour ago. Maybe more, maybe less. I wasn't really keeping track of the time."
You groan. "Great, just great."
"Hey, I was only doing what you wanted." he replies, shrugging. "You know, the whole 'waking me up' thing. I was trying to let you sleep, but it's getting late. I think you're sleeping on the couch, but I'm not sure."
"The couch is fine," you say, stifling a yawn. It was fine indeed, with it's fluffy pillows and soft blankets draped on the back. Sawyer frowns at you. "Are you sure? It can get chilly down there sometimes."
"I'll be fine. C'mon, lets go inside."
Walking slowly, you go back to the quiet little farm house. You try to be silent, but you can hear hushed voices in the other room. You check it out and see the entire family gathered around the TV. It's the nightly weather report, but the reporters sound a bit nervous. You catch a snippet of what they're saying.
"...huge storms coming tomorrow morning that will continue all of tomorrow and most likely Friday too. Everyone is advised to stay inside, for the experts are predicting tremendous winds. A few schools will be closed tomorrow and probably the next day too due to the extreme weather, so here's the list so far of schools cancelled for the rest of the week."
The said list flashes on the screen, and you catch a glimpse of the name Fultonville High with about six other schools. Sawyer gives you a high-five as the others cheer. "No more school!" you both yell excitedly as the others whoop in glee. You and the brothers all fist bump and shout in celebration, when Mr. Fredericks bellows, "Okay, shut it you lot!" You immediately fall silent and look at him. He's staring intensely at the TV again, trying to hear the news anchor. They're showing the weather radar, and it looks like you guys are in for some nasty storms. The segment changes, and everyone runs outside to check the skies. You however remain in the room, mindlessly watching the news when something catches your attention. "Sawyer! Get in here!" you shout. He comes in quickly. "What is it?" he asks, and you point towards the TV. He arrives just in time to hear the whole of the next segment.
"We all know and love our hometown farm boy superstar Sawyer Fredericks. After winning season eight of NBC's The Voice back in May, this ambitious sixteen-year-old is already planning to head back to LA to record some new songs this Monday. However, resources tell us that he isn't traveling alone. A confirmed anonymous source has told us that he will be accompanied by one of his good friends instead of his family. We have yet to know this girl's name, but we do know that she and Sawyer are a lot closer than we think. We have footage from one of our own cameras of him and this mystery girl out for lunch downtown. Could she simply be a best friend, or Sawyer Fredericks's new love interest?"
"How did they find out already?" you whisper as the music plays and the commercials start rolling. Sawyer on the other hand doesn't look too worried, which is unusual. "It was bound to happen," he says. "It always does. At least it's out of the way."
"But won't people recognize me?"
He grins, not at all concerned. "Well, in case you haven't noticed, we don't have any reason to contact society for the next four days, so I think you're fine for now."
You smile mischievously. "If I knew you were a weather god I would have said that you planned this all along, Mister Fredericks."
His smile matches yours. "Perhaps I did," he says. "Or maybe this is just really good luck. Either way, thank Mother Nature."
Easing into the couch laughing, you stare out the window at the now gray skies until your eyes become heavy once more, and you sink into sleep once more...
You're walking through a crowded airport next to Sawyer. His face is hidden by sunglasses. Suddenly, screaming fans come out of nowhere. You're surrounded by bodyguards, but somehow one breaks through. The fan girl whips her head towards you, and it's Ashley. "Get away from my boyfriend." she snarls, and she pulls him in for a long passionate kiss, but Sawyer breaks away from her grasp. He frantically grabs your hand and you run through the airport together, dodging fans and pedestrians alike until you finally reach the plane and get in safely. You catch your breath, and then Sawyer turns towards you panting. The sunglasses are long gone, probably being fought over by the shrieking girls. His locks of hair and red face move closer to you, and closer, and closer...
"Breakfast is ready kids! Up and at em!"
Lazily, you open your eyes. Dim sunlight is shining through the window and you can hear two sets of feet thundering to the kitchen. Another set follows those, still fast but thumping loudly. A fourth and last set is almost undetectable, light and patient. Giggling, you can only guess whose steps are whose. Sure enough, you can hear Skylar and Aric's voices in the kitchen. They are joined by their father about two seconds later. Finally, their youngest brother enters the kitchen too. "Is she awake?" Sawyer asks his mother over Skylar's cry of, "Yes! Pancakes!"
Mrs. Fredericks laughs lightly. "Well, I would assume so. I don't know anyone who could sleep through your brothers when they want food. Go check on her."
Smiling, you pretend to be asleep as Sawyer enters the room, but he knows you're acting. He leans over the back of the couch until his honey-colored hair is softly tickling your face. You giggle and bat it away. "I don't wanna get up," you mutter, slyly glancing at him. He's still wearing his pajamas from last night, and so are you.
"You'll want to. We have a long day ahead of us. Let's go!"
Long day? With Sawyer, any long day is an interesting one. You happily walk to the kitchen with him to see what all the fuss is about, and if you can scavenge any pancakes.

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