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I recognise the voice immediately.

"Eric?" I ask, surprised as I go to open the door.

Sirius, standing beside me, tries to suppress a quiet chuckle.

"Another boy, really?" he whispers, a faint smile playing on his lips.

The lavatory door creaks open, revealing Eric McKinnon's freckled face, framed by a mop of unruly blond hair. His blue eyes widen as he takes in the unexpected scene of Sirius and me standing in the rather cramped space.

"Whoa, sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt... whatever this is," Eric stammers, his cheeks tinged with embarrassment.

"It's alright, Eric. We're just talking," I reassure him.

Sirius, now recognising the young Ravenclaw, gives a friendly nod. "Hey, Eric. How are you?"

Eric offers a nervous smile in return, clearly still processing the situation. "Good, thanks... Right, I'll leave you two to it, then."

Before he can make his exit, I call out to him, "Eric, wait."

He turns back. "Yeah?"

"I... I heard about Easter," I begin, choosing my words carefully. "About you coming out to your parents. How did it go?"

Eric's face lights up.

"Surprisingly well, actually. Dad was a bit shocked at first, but mum said she already knew. They are really supportive. Still, it's a weight off my shoulders. And Marl's been amazing as always, of course."

"That's really good to hear. I'm here for you, too, Eric. If you ever want to talk or need anything, just let me know," I say, offering him a soft smile.

The McKinnons are a loving Muggle family, who until a few years ago thought magic was nothing more than a distant, fantastical notion.

The day Marlene's Hogwarts letter arrived at their doorstep changed that. But the revelation that both of their children possessed magical powers was nothing short of a shock.

Despite the two-year age gap, Marlene and Eric have a unique bond that transcends the usual sibling rivalry. Back when Eric was a first year, he used to join our group during meals. But as the years went by, he gradually found his own circle of friends and now he only hangs out at the Gryffindor table when Marlene makes him.

Eric's sexual orientation has never been explicitly discussed between us.

Through the years, he has been a target for taunts and hateful comments, but Marlene always has his back and has more than once earned herself a detention for hexing or punching some of the kids that bullied her brother.

While Eric has never said anything, I have known he is gay for about a year after I one evening accidentally stumbled upon him and Raydon Mercier, a Slytherin, making out by the entrance to the astronomy tower.

I never confronted him, but I was sure he had seen me tiptoeing away from them.

"Thanks, Ellie. I really appreciate it," he says, a genuine smile gracing his features. "I'll catch up with you later."

Eric bids his farewell, and I turn to secure the lavatory door once more, the latch clicking into place.

"Now, where were we?" I muse as I return my attention to Sirius.

Sirius takes a step closer, his eyes locked on mine. "We were discussing whatever this is, if I remember correctly."

"Right," I say, my playful tone returning. "You were being a downright player, and I was putting you in your place."

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