Rūññīñg wīth thē wōlvēs

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In which Matei & Jana are running in the wild together. It was a simple bet only they kind of have a trippy feet even for wolfbloods. 


Jana walked through the grassy field and looked up toward the forest ahead of her. She smiled at the tree filled land. Sniffing the air and taking a light whiff she checked if there was anyone nearby. Confirming that no soul was there she hedded toward the forest. 

The sun was starting to rise and trees casted shadows whereabout on the ground. She had always liked the smell that nature brought and she could always feel her wolf brimming with joy and a feeling of childlike nature for basically just being able to run about in her wolf form. 

It was freedom. She lowered herself to the ground and felt the forest through her palms and looking back up, her eyes glowed a yellowish colour. Then in a minute she was in her wolf form. Shaking in her red fur she howls for a bit and then starts running.

Leaves crunch beneath her paws as she speeds on through the air. It was so breath taking and if anything, she had the sudden urge to simply be sticking her tongue out and feel the wind hitting by. If she wasn't so focused on the serene feeling that vibrated through her wolf she would've noticed the other scent of another wolfblood. Only when she finally did it was already too late and she was rolling from the shove that the wolfblood dashed at her.

It took her by surprise before she could completely and fully regain her composure. Standing back up on all her fours her wolf looked from left to right. But that hadn't proved to be necessary when the other wolf finally revealed thereself.

From stepping out from behind one of the many tall tees, they had much darker fur unlike the alpha. So when Jana took notice of the other and recognized them she happily wagged her tail and circled the other just to show how much she along with her wolf was happy to see the male. Her wolf even went as to rub againt his fur. 

So it confused her when Matei came out of the welcoming contact and stayed still staring at his alpha. Hanging his head down a little he then transformed back into his human self. Jana's head went up and Matei began to stand tall shoving his hands in his jeans. One habit the male did which Jana simply grew to adore.

Coming out of her form and copying Matei's moves, she soon stood tall too. She sighed as she stood and placed her hair behind her ear. Matei soon enough broke the silence which had followed after, ''What are you doing running arounds the woods all on your own?''

They started to walk in sync in a direction that only them seemed to know. The alpha looked down at her feet and smiled. ''Oh, y'know, just wanted to stretch out for a bit. I just sort of missed the wild.'' Her voice went lower at the last sentence and she looked back at the boy whose face held no emotion whatsoever. So she couldn't tell what he was even thinking either way.

''I guess that part of you never left. Now did it?'' he smirks a her. But what was really unspoken was, 'that's also a part of you I'd want to keep'. The very thought alone makes him smile unconsiously. She shrugs as to what to reply with, ''I guess.'' They then both smile at each other. Like oblivious lovestruck idiots, 'cause they can and are perfectly good at it.

Matei then gave her a little shove from the side (much softer than the first one that had her falling off her feet) and said, ''Race ya.'' He ran off getting an unfair headstart. Before beginning to transform back into his wolf. Jana had smiled with a roll of her eyes and started to catch up with him also going back to her wolf form. 

She tried to reach up to him with her wolfspeed and tried to dodge as many trees as well as being careful swerving pass them, leaves crunch roughly against her running feet. Looking up ahead she saw Matei looking back at her from his own distance. And probably if she were to squint hard enough she would even see the slight smirk on Matei's face. 

It soon turned south quickly and Jana finally had the last laugh.

Matei, trying to outrun his alpha, made the biggest mistake of looking back at the wolfblood and turning back only to hit face first into a tree. He made a low sound at the inflicted pain from the impact and shook his head to get his vision back all while going back to his human form.

His hand came up to hold on to his nose where most of the pain had gotten to. With his eyes shut tightly he tried to not focus on it too much. Hearing the crunch of leaves he assumed to be Jana coming back to check on him so when he looked down having removed his hand away from his face, he saw the red head looking up with a conserned face and an almost whimper sounded. Matei smiled at the wolf's gesture and told her that he was fine. 

Matei waited for a bit until he realized that she really wasn't going to transform back again. But she instead decided to turn around and started running off again, ''Hey, wait!'' he had yelled out but she was too far gone running and howling at nothing in particular. 

He went down on his knee, having a hand in the dirt, ''Sassy wolf,'' he breathed out before transforming back again and running after his redheaded alpah.

And there in the woods even when night had fallen they ran, even when tripping over leaves or over there own feet, even when coming too close together, when they'd hit numerous trees or even just playful shoving and hitting... they still ran freely, happily, and together.

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