Ī ñééd ¥•ú tó stáy

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After a little reliving of fear, it's up to Matei to comfort his girlfriend.


Again, no- it couldn't have been happening again. The bars... They seem taller this time. It's- dark- It's hard to see. Are they closing in. They're coming in closer- closing in on her. Soon- she'll be trapped. Inside- inside this cage! No! Maybe, she could squeeze through the long metals? Ofcourse not, she'll never fit. Even in wolf form. No! they're getting too close. Every side she spins to they keep inching toward her. Now there's really no way out. No way out...

She's traped for good- like an animal. She can feel a lump in her throat and panic rising and even if she were an alpha, she was still hella afraid and scared.

Then suddenly she feels the urge to cry out.

Right, her first instinct should've been to call out for help long ago.

But as an alpha, her dominant and leadership instincts had been to do things on her own. So, taking a deep body breath, even from within her bones she cried out for help and did it a second time until she'd realized that no sound was coming out. Holding and grabbing the bars tightly she screamed again, ''HELP ME!'' yet again no noise came out. What was happening? She needed to leave, she just had to. These bars, this CAGE! Why won't it set her free. She needs to leave.

She needs to leave. She needs to leave. She needs to leave, she needs to leave, she needs to leave, she needstoleave, sheneedstoleave- sheneedstoleave-

''I need to leave, please- help me! Anyone hel-''

''JANA!'' At that her eyes snapped open.

Though when were they even closed? Looking away from the boy, her frantic eyes spun the room. Doing so, she could feel her body shaking a little. Albeit the atmosphere wasn't cold and she knew why as even her heart had been racing.

Stopping her search when realization hit her, she met eyes with Matei. The male had concern written all over his features. His hair was ruffled up and his rocket decorated pajamas wrinkled and his hands had been held out onto her in a tight protective grip. 

''Jana?...'' he asked a little softer this time. When she had began to feel conciousness again, and realized that she was in their shared room, that Matei was here, they were standing together, that it had actually happened again, the sleepwalking, the nightmares, it all happened again.

And so with that she finally broke down. And she was definetly lucky enough for her boyfriend to be standing there as he quickly went into comforting mode, wrapping warm hands around her and began to comfort her. But there was only so much reassurance and his love for her could really do, much in this heartbroken moment.

Every sob racked her body in the moonlight and shattered Matei's heart for this to be happening to his alpha. Who was always so strong, yet breaking on the inside. Who knows how long they stood like that in the shared embrace. And well, Jana had been wandering for the last few seconds when they had gotten in bed together. But the thought didn't linger for much longer until Matei broke the deafening silence. ''Do you probably wanna talk about it?'' his voice tired and raspy.

And it makes her feel guilty for having to be the reason he's awake and an even worser feeling knowing that this wasn't the first time. Suddenly her mind flashes back to her nightmare. The ever occuring fear and she tries to get her mind to focus on something else. But in doing so in the process she had accidentally shook her face in her boyfriends chest.

And he had took that reaction as her reply oblivious to the situation. ''It's okay if you don't want to. I won't pressure you into something you d-'' Before her mind has a chance to process, her lips are alredy moving, ''N-No its not that. It's just-'' she cuts herself off sighing before continuing again. ''I'm just sick of being afraid. this growing fear- I mean, I'm suppose to be an alpha-'' 

''Hey,'' her chin's being gently tucked up to look in the eyes of her lover. And even in the dark of small moonlight, she can still see care and love swimming through his eyes. And she almost tears up at the sight. ''It's okay to be afraid, to have a scary trauma. We've been through this. But you can't be hard on your self simply because your the leader-'''

''But-'' she tries but fails, ''Listen Jana.'' his face stessing seriousness, ''Not because your an alpha, it doesn't mean that you have to always play the role or lead the trait of bravey. Cause being afraid and communicating about it is all the more braver. So don't think your weak beacause your not. Your the strongest and bravest person I know.'' He holds on to her crying face and starts wiping the tears away.

''Don't you ever forget that.'' He whispers.

And suddenly she burst into more tears at that. Matei grabs her into his chest letting her have the comfort and places sweet kisses in her red locks. After she had then calmed down a bit, Matei then said, ''It's okay Jana. I'm here,'' Finally being calm enough to speak, there was too much to say to him except, ''I love you Matei.'' he had then smiled down sweetly at her and he didn't hesitate to say it back. ''I love you too Jana.''

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