Chapter 4 - Inside

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"Gregory? Gregory? You there? I got your message." Cassie yelled out soon after we entered. "Gregory? You there." Turning to the news paper I "see" the cover up story for the destroyed Pizzaplex was because of an earthquake. How convincing.

The inside was dirty, to at the least. The first thing I noticed was the graffiti and dirt everywhere. The some of the tiles were missing and replaced by the dirt underneath.

I climb down the ladder from were we entered and "looked" around. Damn, this place has seen better days, literally. There were paint pealing off the walls, tragic cones all around, barriers, miscellaneous wires, and a poster ripped up by something or someone.

The poster was placed at the main entrance and said and I quote, "pardon our mess! We'll be back soon." Yeah right, its been two years and nothing has changed.

"I don't get it. Why would Gregory tell us to come to this old place, and then not be here?" Cassie said looking around at the Pizzaplex, or, what remains. I don't answer her as I already know why.

We walk a bit further into the place before hearing a distant noise from the main area. "What is that?" "No idea." "Maybe if we go there we can see better." Normally this would be a terrible idea but this isn't a normal situation so who cares.

We walk closer to the noise and I "look" at the graffiti scattered around the walls and glass. They're all warning us about coming here alone and to "turn back" now. There was a hole blocking the main area so we unconsciously decided to look for another way.

I go to the right and "see" an area to get to where the noise is. "Hey Cassie, I think I found a way." I say waving to her. She gets to where I'm standing and backs away a bit. "No way I'm going in there without a flashlight." She says, holding her hands up and backing up.

Scared of the dark huh, it's to be expected in a place like this. I would give here my flashlight but were going to need two since we might split up at times. She turns to a wall with Roxy and Chica standing next to a hole with text above that read, "get a complimentary entry pass!"

Walking closer we see that inside the hole was a staff bot missing it's head and in its hand is a conveniently placed flashlight. The body twitches slightly as its hand presents the flashlight to us. She takes the flashlight and turns it on. "Come on, we can search further now." If this was me two years form now I would have probably just left without the light and hoped for the best but this is the present, not the past, and I'm already like that now.

We continue forward with the new flashlight and look into the new area. The way to the mall of the place has been closed off with rubble and a Freddy statue leaving us with the door way with a collapsed barricade as a possible entrance further in.

The room was messy with toys and carts around, looking like a toy/prize board with how many there were. On a table near the center of the room was a Sun plush, covered in dust and dirt. I walk over and pick it up, brushing off the little dirt and grime I could before giving it a hug, remembering how Sun and I would spend our time together while I was trapped.

I quickly "looked" around the room for a Moon one but couldn't find one from the remaining toys. 'Looks like I'll have to search for his plush later as we look for "Gregory".' I thought as I follow Cassie upstairs, nearly avoiding a cart the fell from the remaining stairs.

"Are you ok?!" Cassie asked as I walked up the remaining stairs. I simply nodded and we continued forward. I "saw" Sun and Moon's poster covered in burn marks and soot as we walked past. I wished I have came back here earlier but couldn't as my dad and Gregory were worried about the place and that the others would be active still.

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