Chapter 5 - Christmas Special

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(Narrator POV)

"Wake up wake up wake up!!" You yelled loudly. It was Christmas morning and you were very excited. You had barged into Gregory's room and was now trying to wake him, slapping him lightly between each "wake up."

"Y/N it's like 7AM let me sleeeeeep..." Gregory was not thrilled by your version of a wake up and tried to turn away from you in a futile attempt. You didn't take this well. You jumped onto his bed and tested your balance before jumping on the bed, shaking Gregory and his blanket off onto the floor.

"Damn it Y/N!" He yelled as he got out of his tangled mess on the floor. "What could have possibly gotten you this excited for Christmas!" He grabbed his coat from his bed frame and put it on, shivering harshly from the sudden cold as he threw the blanket back on his bed.

"Conor and Millie are coming over!(reffer to chapter 2: Sun in previous book.)" you said happily. "They said that their family will be spending Christmas with us!"

You, Conor, and Millie had kept in contact since leaving the Pizzaplex. They had heard about what happened and were a bit surprised and worried about what had happened. You reassured them that you're fine and that it won't happen again.(spoilers it did.)

"Oh yeah, them." Gregory sighed as he grabbed a few clothes to change into. "Alright fine, I'm up." He sighed again as he left to room. You quickly left his room and into yours as you changed out of your pjs.

You grabbed your F/C long-sleeve shirt and S/F/C sweatpants along with a big puffy F/C jacket and changed into them. You grabbed your phone and a pair of gloves as you ran out your room and down the stairs. You waved at your dad in the kitchen with Michael helping him.(don't ask how.)

You could "see" Moon charging in the corner while Sun and Evan doodled on him. The house was decorated heavily with Christmas lights and a very decorated Christmas tree in the corner. You put your snow boots on as you got to the door. "I'll be at the park if you need me!!" You yelled at them as you ran out and texted Conor.

Conor and Millie Group Chat :)

Y/N is now online




Conor is now online
Millie is now online

Hey: Y/N

You at the park yet:Y/N

Conor: Yeah I'm here

Millie: We're here and there a lot of snow!


I'm almost there, wait there!:Y/N

Conor: Alright 👍

Millie: See you soon.🤗🤗

Conor is now offline
Millie is now offline
Y/N is now offline

You put your phone away as you ran closer to the park. You could "see" silhouettes of people outside playing in the snow and taking walks. There was a tree in the far back near the center of the neighborhood where most people were taking pictures at.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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