The Scuz

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I'd been coming to The Scuz since first year, and to be honest it was still one of my favourite places.  It was the middle of finals and they were hosting a fundraiser road hockey tournament in the alley behind the bar.  Naturally every guy we knew was taking the day off of studying to play. 

"What time are we going?" Amy needed to know what time to start getting ready.  She had her eye on about five rec league hockey players at the time so needed to look good.  I think maybe she had the ADHD because she was the kind of girl who needed to get ready in phases. It could take all day and the waiting nearly killed her.  I let Amanda take the reins on picking a time because she had a knack for always being in the right place at the right time. 

One of the most freeing things about having a cast is that I could just wear my Huskie sweat pants everyday instead of trying to impress everyone.  I'd seen a girl at Kwan's Cuisine recently with a cast on her arm dressed for comfort and we gave each other knowing nods.  "Hey so are we walking down to The Scuz or do we need to drive?" It took me a second to realize she was addressing me.  "Oh we can walk it's not far."  Truthfully I was getting really good on these crutches.  It's amazing the arm strength and agility you build in two weeks.

I could see Amy was a bit disappointed in my response as she looked at the shoe pile by the door.  "Is that ok with Amy?" I said wondering which pair of impractical shoes she was planning to wear to a road hockey tournament at a dive bar.  "Well I kind of wanted to wear your black boots with the heel since you ahhhh," she pointed at my cast like saying it out loud might make me feel pain.  "You can wear them," they wouldn't look good with these sweat pants anyway.  Honestly they would slow her down and then I wouldn't feel like I was slowing them down.

"Well I heard people are going between 7 and 8. That's like when the semi finals are and they'll play the last game under the lights at 9."
Amanda looked at the clock, "Oh, that's so early!" By the time I could respond to her all I could see was the back of her hurrying down the hall.  Amy jutted out her chin to indicate she was talking to me, "You wearing that?" "Yep," I ran my hand down my body sprawled out on the couch like Vanna White.  "The lads are gonna be all over me."

It was time to go.  Amanda and Amy looked great as usual and I'm usually no slouch myself, but that cast confidence granted me a pass on even brushing on a coat of mascara.  We were were walking as quickly as possible because neither Amy it Amanda were dressed for the weather.  We made it to the hole in the fence behind Taco Time and popped out onto Central.  It was simply just a walk down the street now, except I had crutches and both my roommates had chosen fashion over practicality when it came to footwear. 

Amy wasn't even wearing a jacket.  Our journey was a comical shuffling down icy sidewalks while Amy and Amanda crossed their arms in front of themselves shivering.  I was wearing one boot, my winter jacket and a big wool sock over my cast.  I found I couldn't crutch with mitts, so was relieved when we ducked into the alley behind the bar.  We could hear the game before we saw it, and it made us all giddy with anticipation of a good night out. 

The boys in the toques and winter boots was a welcome sight. Stripes, pom poms, earflaps - I had to admit I kind of had a think for a guy in a toque.  "I wonder if Erik is going to be here," Amy tried to say casually but I am pretty sure she was dressed specifically for Erik.   Amanda was already waving at a group of spectators sitting on the concrete parking blocks watching the game, some with hockey sticks, some with beers.  I wad relieved that neither of the girls dressed for the weather because I really didn't want to be stuck sitting outside with my cast in a snowbank.

We headed inside where a bored bouncer asked for our IDs.  "We're old enough.  You literally see us all the time," Amanda was annoyed as she dug through her purse.  He glanced and shrugged, "Its literally just my job," he said as he handed it back and stuck his hand out for Amy's.  She was dreamily looking at him with doe eyes as if she hadn't been asking after Erik five minutes ago.  "Alright hop a long," he said to me and I produced mine.  "Hey Christmas baby." He handed my ID back, "That's cool eh?" "Yep,"
I said agreeably, "super cool."

Amanda picked a spot with a good viewpoint, dance floor access and tables to the left and right of us that would eventually fill up with people we knew or wanted to get to know.  The Scuz always made a mean paralyzed so we all started with one.  We all got a maraschino cherry on them because the bar wasn't slammed yet and Amy decided to perform her tying the stem into a knot trick.  I sarcastically clapped because I'd seen it so many time but secretly impressed because I couldn't do it.

One of the bartenders was coming our way and both Amanda and Amy straightened up.  They both looked amazing so it wasn't a stretch that he had come over to see one of them.  It wasn't until he was right at the table that I noticed he had a drink in his hand.  "A drink for the lady from the gentleman at the bar."  This was a rare because one this wasn't the kind of bar where you were served at your table.  He set the drink down at the table and did an exaggerated little bow.  I looked down to discover I'd been sent a glass of milk.  "What kind of weirdo sent you milk," Amanda was craning her neck to see who this guy was, but I had already locked eyes and was smiling at my tunnel buddy Jared.

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