Final final

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The day had come! My last final of the semester.  I was relaxed and felt confident as I packed my backpack.  I was also confident enough to drive at this point with my cast on.  I felt like I'd lived my whole life with thing on my leg at this point.  Amanda was in the kitchen sitting at the island flipping though some notes.  "Last one," she said cheerily to me.  "I wish it was your last one too!" I commiserated that it was so unfair that she had to wait until December 22nd this year to be done. "Ah it happens," putting her hands up in mock surrender. 

My final wasn't until the afternoon, but wanted to get to the university a bit early so I could grab a coffee with Jared.  Things had really started to progress after the night at the Scuz.  We had hosted a "few" people post bar and Jared was more than eager to come.  When we climbed through the fence hole he waited on the other side while I passed my crutches though and I though that this was a guy I could see myself spending some time with.  Of course finals had kind of gotten in the way, but in a sense I kind of liked the slow burn that wanting to get together but not being able to make it work created. 

"Well now you know where I live," I jokingly said as we heading into the house.  "You're not like a serial killer or anything, are you?"  His dark humour matched mine which I really appreciated.  "I guess we'll find out," he said in driest of deadpan voices.  It was three in the morning by the time we kicked everyone out, and was sad to see him go.  We left it at, "We should hang out sometime," but hadn't made a definite plan.  Two days later he showed up at the house with a fistful of two for one soft tacos and I immediately knew that this was the man I wanted in my life. 

The chivalry was unprecedented.  He wanted to know who was home, who wanted tacos and then insisted that he'd just run over to Taco Time and he'd be back in a jiff.  Amy raised her eyebrows watching his scuttle off down the street,  "Your milk man's trying to make a good impression on us?" "Is it working?" I asked.  "Let's see if he brings back the extra sauce and then I'll make an informed opinion."  "Fair enough," I said smiling.  I already knew they approved. 

He was back less than fifteen minutes later, panting softly.  "Did you run?" Amanda asked as she as she unwrapped her taco.  "Didn't want your tacos to get cold," he pulled out a handful of hot sauce packets and put them on the island.  Amy and Amanda gave each other nods.  They were impressed with my milk man. 

Jared was already waiting in Lower Place as I came off the elevator.  He already had two coffees in front of him.  "Double cream," he said as he pushed one of the cups my way.  "Good memory," I smiled back at him:  I always liked it when people remember little details like that.  "Ready for your final?" He took sip waiting for me to say yes. 

"You know if you go blank you can always barf on your test and they'll give you an automatic 70," he stated matter of factly.  "That's just an old wive's tale," I was holding my coffee with both hands enjoying the warmth travel up my arms.  "No I swear my brother's roommate's cousin's boyfriend had the stomach flu, shower up to his Econ exam and threw up all over it!  You know what happened? Got a 70."  "That's bullshit," I said looking him right in the eyes.  I hoped he could see how funny I thought he was. 

Truth be told I had heard of the U of S legend of throwing up on your exam for a 70, but I wasn't going to need to stomach flu to pass my exam today.  My first year I'd been a ball of nerves and I could see how someone with a weak stomach might suddenly get sick with stress, but now that I was in my third year, classes either seemed to be getting easier or I was starting to actually figure this university thing out.  I was closer to the end at this point than I was to the beginning and the thought of having to join the real world in a year and half's time was more stressful than these exams. 

"You're heading home this afternoon?" he asked.  "Ya," I took a sip, "I'm so excited to go home. You're leaving tomorrow?" "No day after. My last final is tomorrow, but I have to do my Christmas shopping."  We hadn't looked away from each other since I had sat down, but at this a twinge of disappointment caused me to look down.  I thought about the gift I'd gotten him wrapped up in my backpack.  We barely been seeing each other, and it was final exams. 

It was silly to think  that he'd gotten me a gift.  I forced a smile and scolded him playfully, "You're just starting your shopping.  The mall is going to be a zoo you know.  I faked a small laugh. I hoped it was convincing.  "Well I did get something," he said as he reached into his pocket.  He slid a small wrapped packed across the table at me.  "Open it Jen!" I could tell he was really excited.  I took my time opening the gift carefully not to tear the paper.  Inside a gold coloured box, was a ..." I laughed.  It was perfect. 

"I painted it myself," he beamed at me trying to gauge my reaction. I held it up.  It was a Christmas stocking ornament for a tree, but he had painted in black.  With a silver pen he had carefully written 'Jen breaks a leg' with the year underneath.  Laughing I stood up to give him a hug for such a thoughtful gesture, and that's when we kissed.  We walked the rest of the way to my final final together laughing, talking and stealing glances at each other.  I knew I was going to nail this test. 

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