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That night Jasmine barely slept.


As small rays of sunlight peeked through the bedroom curtains a small figure stirred awake.

Stretching her small body with sleep still evident in her face.

"Mommy, are you still sleeping?" Euphoria said while rubbing her eyes.

After she got no response the toddler looked beside her to see if her mother was still asleep only to see she was not there.

She took in her surroundings only to realize that she was lying in an unfamiliar bed in a room she had never seen before. She immediately panicked sprinting out of bed Euphoria called out for her mother only to get no response in return.

"Mommy." She said a little louder than intended

She tried again but this time the distress was evident in her voice.

"Mommy!" She yelled as her eyes started to well up.

The bedroom door opened but the little girl's heart dropped when she saw the person who opened the door wasn't her mommy.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" a woman in a uniform she couldn't recognize asked her with a gentle smile.

Euphoria's lips trembled indicating that she was about to cry before the strange woman in front of her could say anything else the whole house could hear the toddler cry out for her mother.

"Mommy, I want mommy where is my mommy?" She said while crying her eyes out.

Shocked at the sudden outburst the woman in front of her tried to comfort her but failed as started to scream louder when the stranger approached her.

"No, not you, I want mommy!" She yelled while throwing a tantrum.

By now almost everyone in the house could hear the commotion

Angry footsteps could be heard walking down the hall.

"What the fuck is going on here," Jungkook said with anger evident on his face as his sleep was disturbed by the little girl.

Two other maids and a sleepy-looking Yoongi were standing behind him.

"Young master, I apologize profusely I wanted to take her downstairs for breakfast as you ordered me to do once she wakes up but she started crying the moment I stepped into the room." The maid said completely panicked.

Yoongi looked at the toddler with displeasure. "This is why I don't fuck with those small creatures, fucking up my sleep for what." He said with annoyance evident in his voice.

Making sure his voice was loud enough for the toddler to hear.

This only made the distressed girl cry harder. By now Mingyu, Hyungwon, Jimin, and a couple of other maids stood in the hallway trying to see what all the commotion was about.

"Damn what the fuck did you guys do to the gremlin," Jimin said confused rubbing his eyes to wake himself up.

Hyungwon slapped the back of Jimin's head."Don't cuss in front of the child."

"Ow," Jimin yelled out in pain rubbing the back of his head.

"Mommy." Was all she could say.

The poor girl felt scared seeing so many strangers in an unfamiliar room she didn't recognize.

"Move," he said shoving Mingyu out of the way, Mingyu glared at his cousin who completely ignored him

Jungkook angry footsteps were all you could hear as he marched towards Jasmine's room.

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