Part I: the move

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(First person pov)

The pink fuzzy alarm clock sounds at exactly 6:15, not a moment before, not a moment after. I yawn as I stretch out a perfectly manicured hand to cease the shrieking of the nasty alarm clock.

"Last day." I mutters softly to myself , as I glances around my near empty void that was once my lavish bedroom.
"I can not believe dad is making me move all the way to Connecticut, just because his new job pays a little more." I pouts as i gracefully climb out of my king sized bed, elegantly fixing the silky sheets one final time.

I float across the room in my pink satin and lace night gown to my walk in closet, picking out my school uniform which consists of a navy skirt, a white blouse, a navy cropped blazer and a navy tie.

As I do my makeup I try to think of all the wonderful things that could happen when I move to Connecticut.
"Well at least I'll be closer to grandma and grandpa Gilmore, I'm sure Harvard won't be too bad after all. Oh and think of all the hot new guys at Chilton prep!" I muse with a bright smile on my face as I walks down my extravagant staircase and out the door, into an expensive looking car.

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(First person pov)

"Oh em geee!" My 'best friend' Sutton Kline groans to me as we sit on the steps outside the girls academy, munching on our strawberries. "I can't believe you're leaving me here with all these bitches!" I roll my eyes "you'll fit right in then." I think to myself, but I don't dare say it a loud.
"You're totally going to get a hot boyfriend and never talk to me again." Sutton drones on, not getting the hint that I'm annoyed with her very presence.
"I'm sure you'll be fine Sutton" i reassure her, "I'll call you all the time."
"promise?" Sutton pleads with puppy dog eyes. "Yeah, sure" I reply, quite uninterested, just wanting to go home.

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(Third person pov)

Soon after, a sleek black Porsche rolls up to the academy and Angela, Birdie's mother, gracefully steps out.
"Birdie dear, come let's go, we have a flight to catch!"
Birdie immediately jumps up, saying a rushed goodbye to Sutton, and hops in the Porsche.

"Thank god I'm never going to have to see her again" Birdie things to herself as she pops in her earbuds and presses play on her playlist, enjoying the scenic car ride to the airport.

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Final notes
447 wrds
Short chapter but you get the idea
-xoxo London

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