Part IV: deer hunters

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Birdie rushes into class, mumbling a shitty excuse about why she was late, and she sits down at her desk. unaware of that fact that one Tristan Dugray was watching her every move.

"Now back to what I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted" max medina, Birdies English teacher teased, handing back papers from the day before. "Decent effort by most, good effort by some, exceptional effort by three..."

"Miss geller..." he hands paris a paper with a big red +A on it.

"Miss Grant..." he hands Louise a paper with an -A on it

"Miss Prescott..." and finally he hands Birdie back a paper with a nice +A on it.

"All of you, learn from your mistakes." He starts, "Look at the large, red circles around various parts of your paper as friendly reminders that to err is human and that here at chilton we try to beat that humanity out of you."

"Okay. Next up, the test... The dreaded test."
He smirks

"Shakespeare... the man we've been droning on about for the last three weeks...
Finally comes back to haunt us on Friday.
This is a big one, my friends..."

"Multiple choice with an essay section that will count for 20% of your grade this semester.
Don't be fooled by my kind face and charming personality.
This test will be hard, and there will be no makeups."

The bell suddenly rings, the students getting up to leave.

"Refer to the study materials that I gave you at the beginning of the month and those extensive notes I know you've been taking." He calls out, even though nobody's listening.

"Hey! Hey babe" Birdie hears an annoying voice call out as she exits the class.

"Is there no one else you can bother Tristan?"

"I think you like me."

"Oh, boy!" She exclaimed. "You really cracked the code Sherlock"

"What are you doing Friday night?"

"I'm busy."

"What, you gotta be back at the convent by 5:00?"

"Please leave me alone jackass." She says, throwing her dark hair over her shoulder and walking away.

"Alright. Well... Since you said please.

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Birdie walks into the Gilmore house hold and slumps her notes on the table in front of a sour looking Rory.

"I should be getting payed for helping you study, or at the very least some volunteer hours cause this is community service baby."

"You're my night In shining armor, my savior, my-"
Birdie cuts Rory off
"Yeah I get it I'm you own baby Jesus or whatever"

she rolls her eyes and sits down next to Rory so they can begin studying

"News is on!" They hear Lorelei call out,

"One sec." The girls groan.

"For our top story tonight, a grisly, horrible thing happened in a small town where no grisly, horrible things ever happen."
"Everyone shocked."
"House slides down hill."
"Liposuction kills. Stay fat." Lorelei rambles, trying to get the two studious girl's attention.

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