Part II: first days

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(First person pov)

I yawn as I feel my mother slowly shaking me awake and removing my eye mask
"Birdie dear" I hear her whisper "we're landing in a few minutes, why don't you wake up and get ready?"
She suggests as I rub sleep from my eyes.
I look around and suddenly remember I'm on a plane to Connecticut, in first class of course, the best daddy could buy.
I look at my mother and nod, sitting up straight and smoothing out my black skirt as I grab my beige coach hand bag

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I walk into the airport, softly smelling of miss Dior, with my mother and father after the plan lands, searching for the nearest drink store.
"Where can a girl get a cup of coffee round here?" I roll my eyes and mumble to myself, tapping my Chanel heals on the ground.

"Bird!" I hear a familiar voice yell out. I look around the airport with a confused expression gracing my face until I see her.

Buffy Huntzberger.
My childhood best friend.
Born in result of an affair between Mitchum Hunntzberger and his young secretary Donna Woo, whom died giving birth.

"Buffy!" I squeal and run into her arms, giggling and smiling brighter then I have in a while.
"Omg Buffy I haven't seen you since like Christmas like three years ago!"

Buffy laughs and looks hugs me tightly.
"Holy Birdie I missed you so much!" She chuckles.

"Wait how did you get to the airport?" I ask slightly confused, but still smiling.
"Last time we called you said you still haven't gotten your drivers license?"I say lost, but I soon realize how she got here when I hear a deep chortle from behind Buffy

"Virginia" a tall blonde teases me.
"Logan Huntzberger" I blush and frown "don't call me Virginia, that's my stupid middle name" i scoff and roll my eyes.

"Always a pleasure to see you birdie" Logan says, wearing a shit eating grin.
"Wish I could say the same Huntzberger" i scowl, giving him a once over, realizing he's gotten significantly hotter.

"I see you've grown into your ears" he teases as I turn red
"I see you've grown into your big ass forehead- oh wait, you didn't" i snarl back a turn away so he doesn't see me blush too hard.

"Why did you have to bring your brother Buffy, you should've just gotten your license" i roll my eyes.

"Sorry Bird" she apologizes "dad wants us to bond or whatever, so he's my own personal chauffeur for the foreseeable future" she rolls her eyes.
"But enough about Logan" she giggles "catch me up about everything babe!" She grins as we grab my bags and walk off, discussing our how our lives have been since the last time we talked

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I lay in my new bed after a long day of talking with Buffy and ignoring Logan, exasperated, my eyes slowly start to close until I hear a ringing from my light pink landline phone.

I pick up the phone "hello, Birdie speaking"

"Ah Birdie dear, it's Emily" I hear the strong voice of an older woman say.

"Grandma! It's so nice to hear from you!" I smile and rub my eyes.

"You as well dear. Now, I know you've just moved back to Connecticut, but I was wondering if you and your mother would like to join me, your grandfather, your aunt and your cousin for dinner on Friday?" She questioned.

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