{The Struggles}

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Walking around the mall with Felix and Chan, she wrapped an arm around her baby brother

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Walking around the mall with Felix and Chan, she wrapped an arm around her baby brother. A smile on their faces as they walked into stores. Her brother carried her purse and a few bags with clothing she had just purchased. They headed inside another clothing store with their bodyguards following close behind them. Well more like they were Felix and Chan's bodyguards but the guards had gotten used to seeing the short girl. They also took care of her as well, making sure she's protected and safe. Leah scrunched her nose seeing her brother placing clothes in front of her. He asked for her opinion wondering if he should buy the shirts. She nodded her head telling him he looked great in them. He ran like a child towards the register making her giggle. She shook her head as she kept wandering around the store. Her eyes scanned every item not seeing anything she liked. The clothing wasn't her style, it was mostly Felix style. Once the boys bought their things they headed outside the store. A few girls screamed at the sight of them, not believing that they were at the same mall as them. Leah smiled and waved at the girls as they walked past them.

The girl ended up buying multiple things not only for herself but the girls. Anytime she saw something that reminded her of someone, she couldn't help but buy it for them. She found herself constantly laughing at the two males. She would playfully hit Chan on the shoulder whenever he would make a joke. Her skin was glowing, it's been a while since she had this much fun with the boys. She's always considered Chan as a brother. No matter what people said or gossiped about, he has always been a bother to her. He too, also saw her as a sister and has never had other feelings beyond that. He actually loves spending time with her. Seeing how bright and joyful the girl is. He hated hearing people talk bad about her and would constantly defend her. He wouldn't allow a single soul to talk bad about her, at least not in front of him. Chan and Felix made sure to keep the girl in between them. Wanting nothing more than to protect her and keep her safe from the amount of fans gathering around them. Pictures and videos were taken of them. Leah didn't really mind, she's gotten used to all the paparazzi's and fans. After all she did have two incredibly successful brothers who were always followed by paparazzi's.

They sat inside a small restaurant that wasn't packed at all. They peacefully ate their food, making small talk every once in a while. "What's on your mind?" Chan had been the first to speak up. He set his spoon down grabbing his glass of water. He took a sip, his eyes landing on the girl sitting across from him. He noticed how she hesitated to respond to him. There's no doubt in her mind that one of them would notice something was bothering her. She let out a small sigh setting down her chopsticks on the side. She lifted her head up making eye contact with the older male. "I just.. I'm a bit stressed. You remember the project I've been working on? The one where I told you two I couldn't say anything." Chan nodded his head listening to the girl. Felix shoved a spoon full of rice into his mouth. He set the spoon down as he chewed carefully. His brown eyes landed on his sister who had stopped eating. She didn't reach for her chopsticks again and focused on the matter. "They gave us a mission in which we have to find a theme for it. I just.. I can't come up with something. Every song I listen to doesn't have a feel to it nor do I feel passionate enough to make a choreography for it." She ran her fingers through her hair. Usually she didn't struggle this badly to come up with creative ideas or choreo. It was killing her deeply inside how frustrating this whole thing was.

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