{ Can You See My Heart? }

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The leader of Eternal lifted up her head making eye contact with Tatter who signed her to come over

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The leader of Eternal lifted up her head making eye contact with Tatter who signed her to come over. She nodded her head, glancing around the room. She noticed most groups were gone to either to the bathroom or freshen up their makeup. She made her way across the stage as she bit her lower lip. The younger girl quickly stood up from her seat engulfing the older girl. This caused Leah to smile knowing how close and comfortable Tatter allowed herself to be around her. She rubbed her small back, her right hand landing on her waist as she pulled away. "I know this might be out of the blue but do you think you could talk to Kyma? She idolizes you a lot and I think you giving her some words of encouragement might help." Leah nodded her head. She understood better than anyone else how it felt not only being thrown under the spotlight but being picked on because you were younger than the rest. Tatter wrapped an arm around the brunette's waist as they walked up the stairs. They headed into the hall where Kyma passed back and forth, trying not to cry. She constantly shook her hands distracting her from the disappointment she felt inside of her. She hated making not only her leader but her team disappointed. She never once wanted to bring them down or be the cause for their points to lower.

Leah approached the girl with a kind smile on her face, she wiped her hands on her jeans feeling them starting to sweat. There were times where the older girl felt like she wasn't good with her words. Yet, the whole world always came to her for advice. So whenever she needed to have deep meaningful talks with someone. She couldn't help but get nervous unsure of how things would turn out. Tatter left the girls alone walking into the hideout. She wanted to make sure no one came outside and interrupted the girls. "Hey, Kyma. How.. How are you feeling?" She asked, gulping down. She felt as if that question was the worst one to ask out of the billions of questions. But she liked to be honest and sincere. She wanted to make sure she's okay and ready to talk about whatever just happened. The quiet sad girl hides her shaking hands behind her not wanting Leah to see them. Her eyes stared down at the ground, she didn't look up once afraid that the girl would be able to easily read her. Her green blue eyes stared at the girl waiting for an answer. She let out a small breath knowing she wasn't ready to admit. She wasn't ready to admit that she had failed her teammates. "Okay.. here. Why don't we go into my room and talk?" Kyma didn't say anything and just nodded her head.

She followed close behind the brunette girl afraid of what might come out of her mouth. The older girl offered her a water bottle and told her to take a seat on the couch. Not once did she lift her gaze or head until she heard Bada and Tatter consoling Cheche in the other room. Leah watched how her lower lip trembled and tears started to form in her eyes. Letting out a shaky breath she crouches in front of the girl. She placed a hand on her knee capturing her attention, her brown eyes now fully focused on her. "Kyma, it's okay. This.. this isn't your fault. Just because you lost a battle doesn't mean it defines you as the worst dancer. Anyone can say whatever they please about others but you want to know what matters the most?" The younger girl raised a brow in surprise, wanting to know. She wanted to know what Leah meant or was getting at. Even if she didn't wish for the older girl to see her in such a state. She's also glad that she's the one comforting her at the moment. "What matters the most is what Bada and your teammates think of you. I'm sure they're all very proud of you and would do anything to defend you. I want you to think of this as a lesson, and experience. I mean I'm sure Bada brought you guys on here to show the world how talented her team truly is. Even if those girls don't see, it doesn't mean others won't."

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