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It was the 3rd week of September and Rory has been sorted to her house (Slytherin) and talked to some people, she got her stuff she needed for her classes from her dorm and went out in the hallways looking for her classes, she hoped she'd spot one of her brothers, "Mattheo".

Rory was holding some new books and papers for her next classes and was trying to see where was her classes at while looking around.

One of her books fell along with her papers and Rory went kneeling down to get them but once she sees some shoes beside her standing she looks up startled but then looking down again saying with a slight frown.

"God you're like Professor Snape just standing there quiet, make a noise."

"Without the bob hair cut and serious shit"

Theodore says chuckling a bit.

Rory gets up slowly looking at him while nodding,


Rory realizing who it was, her brother's best friend. Theodore looks at Rory up and down noticing her books and papers,

"So you're trying to find your new classes?"

"Yup, not going well uhm" Rory says in the awkward situation.

"You're friends with Pansy right?" "Parkinson, yes, she's really cool so far, why?" Rory asks confused.

Theodore responds, "I'm friends with her too, i've known since the 2nd year, once you get to know her im pretty sure you'll love her." Theo says smiling while Rory once again nods.

"By the way you're Mattheo's and Tom's sister, i've seen you around sometimes."

"Uhm I'm Theodore but you can call me Theo if you'd like"

Theodore says smiling at Rory then Rory looks up at him and says "Hi."

Theodore raising a eyebrow then raising down again while smiling down at her waiting for her to introduce herself.

Rory then gets the hint, "Oh, Rory, Me, thats-thats me."


"Well, Aurora basically."

"Aurora, I like that"

"Yeah, my mom wanted to name me after her but then that'll just confuse some close people of my parents and my dad didn't like the idea plus my mom's name doesn't suit me at all so-"

Rory suddenly stops and looks up at Theo again with a neutral face.

"I've never talked this much."

Theodore nods slowly as he smiles a bit.

"Well I better go or you better go to your next class"

"Oh, sure." Rory says while looking down to order her papers in order.

"I'll see you then?"

"Yeah sure"

Theodore walks away from Rory but then stops and looks at her.

"Hey you know what, I can show where your next classes are?" "I've got a free period so I wouldn't min-"

"That'd be great" Rory cuts him off on accident.

"Sorry I didn't mean to cut you off like that it's a habit."

"You don't need to apologize, now come on tell me what your next class is." Theodore says smiling at Rory while taking her books so she won't have to carry them and Rory nods.

Heyy, so this is the beginning of Rory's first year at hogwarts and yes I did use the idea of when Rory and Dean first met in Glimore Girls 😭, I might added some spoliers maybe in the Introduction but its okay also you'll see more of the characters later on in the Chapters, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, this is my first time writing a fanfic so i'm new and once again ty for reading this 🫶

Brother's Best Friend (Theodore Nott x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now