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The next day:

"Merlin these classes are so fucking boring, I swear Snape is always getting after me for no reason."

Mattheo groans as we walk out of potions.

"Prob cause you're failing his class or he just wants to pick on you"

I shrug as I make a kissy face to Mattheo as he puts the palm of his hand in front of my mouth smirking.

As we were walking towards our next class, I spotted Rory.

I smiled slightly at her as she looked at my way but then some boy walk passed me and went over to her.

I realized that Rory wasn't smiling at me, she was smiling at him.

I also realized the boy she was smiling at was that hufflepuff. Jesus.

I stopped smiling as I saw them both smile and talk to each other, I don't know why but I felt like just grabbing her wrist and bringing her towards me but I obviously couldn't due to reasons.

"Fuck." I mutter and put my tongue on the side of my cheek.

"What?" Mattheo looks at me confused as he also stopped walking.


"You just said fuck so..?"

"Oh yeah nah don't worry about it just a random thought came up in my head"


Mattheo looked so much more confused while he was smirking as we started to walk again. I gave Cedric a slight push on the shoulder as I walked by, he didn't say anything he just looked.

But how come Mattheo didn't spot Rory?

Is she that short?

Or is he just blind?

Shit if he noticed Rory with that dude, I feel like he would threaten him or ask so many questions but I guess he just didn't notice her. Well shit

Wait but why am I worrying about her? We're not even friends in the first place. In fact, we don't even talk to each other.

I wish we did, I could just hear her voice forever if I had a chance.

"You okay?"

I snapped back to reality.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine another thought in my head came up."

"Whats in that thought of yours?"

Aurora Riddle, your sister.

I shake my head as I fix my robe a bit.

"Don't worry about it."

Mattheo just shrugs again and he starts to open his mouth once again.

"By the way there's gonna be a party this weekend at the ravenclaws common room, you gonna go?"

I also shrug while not looking at Mattheo.

"I don't know really, I mean ravenclaws?"

"It'll be fun tho, you might even find a girl you'll like or just a whore either works"

He laughs a bit to himself when he said those last words. I smiled a bit as i hit his arm.

"Yeah yeah maybe I will find a girl" I smiled again even tho the only girl I wanted was Rory.


I should really stop thinking about Rory God.

Me and Mattheo walk into DADA and I asked him if any of the slytherin girls would go.

"Nah no idea, I know Enzo,Draco and Blaise will go"

I nod a bit and take a seat.

While the professor was talking about spells and etc I was thinking about the note that was given to Rory during dinner yesterday.

I imagined many things about who could've been from or what it said to make her make a face.

I would've asked Tom since he's always knows things especially when he was sitting next to her, but it'd be weird because he would ask why and shit.

But whatever it's fine.

Now that I'm wondering who would've given her the note, I'm wondering how the hell does she know Cedric or at least why she's talking to him.

Do they like eachother?

I mean the other day I did see Pansy and her look at Cedric.

Now I've known Pansy since the 2nd year and she gets crushes easily so it didn't matter that she was all googly eyes at Diggory, but Rory?

She was also looking at him as if he had some sort of love effect on her.

I obviously don't know Rory that well but what I know is that she doesn't give those eyes to anyon-

"Mr. Nott, do you understand what I'm talking about?"

I widened my eyes a bit and sitting up straight.

"Uhm, yeah yeah of course, spells are important yet dangerous you know.."

I fiddled with my quill looking down.

Some people snicker around me including my friends and the professor just shakes his head in disappointment and looks back to the board.

Merlin i need to get Rory out of my head.

Brother's Best Friend (Theodore Nott x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now