Chapter five

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Credit for this idea goes to CrossOverAnen!

Second Person P.O.V

After bringing Ranpo back to the Agency, you fill out your section of the case file. Once finished, you gather your belongings and head out, ready to go home. About halfway there, you notice a group of men trailing you. Sensing danger, you decide it's safer not to head directly home, so you duck into a nearby alleyway. Unfortunately, the alley is blocked by a wall, trapping you unless you can somehow climb over the buildings.

"Hey there, cutie. What are you doing out here all alone?"

One of the three men taunts, while another whistles at you. You tense up, your eyebrows knitting together in concern.

"I was just heading home. Is there something you need?"

You ask cautiously, choosing your words carefully.

"Nah, nothing much. Just thought maybe we could have a little fun. Don't worry, it'll be fine. Sometimes you need to let loose, right?"

The third man smirks as he steps closer. You take a few steps back, only to feel the cold wall against your back.

"I think I'll pass on that offer. If you're looking for 'fun,' maybe try a brothel."

You say, gripping the handle of your katana, ready to defend yourself if they come any closer.

"Come on, sweetheart, we'll make sure you have a good time—"

He's interrupted by a new, authoritative voice.

"What's going on here? Are you cornering her?"

You look up in surprise to see a tall, blind man. The three men grunt in surprise and annoyance.

"Who are you? Trying to spoil our fun?"

The third man snaps, causing you to flinch.

"I am Jouno Saigiku, a member of The Hunting Dogs. And if by 'fun,' you mean coercing someone against their will, I won't tolerate it."

Jouno declares, drawing his sword and pointing it at them.

"So, scram."

The three men curse under their breaths as they flee.

"Are you alright? They didn't hurt you, did they?"

Jouno asks, concern in his voice.

"I'm fine, thank you."

You reply, relieved. Just then, another man wearing the same uniform as Jouno enters the alley.

"Jouno, why did you run off? We're supposed to be—Oh. Was she in danger?"

The newcomer asks.

"Yes, Tecchou. I heard her heartbeat quicken and her breathing shorten. It led me here."

Jouno explains, sheathing his sword. You suddenly remember to avert your eyes, but it's too late; the brief glance has already affected both Jouno and Tecchou.

"Oh. Well, would you like us to stay with you for a while, or would you prefer we leave you alone?"

Tecchou asks, glancing toward the exit of the alley.

"Could you stay a bit longer? I'd like to treat you both to some food as a thank you."

You say, wanting to repay them for their help.

"Of course."

Tecchou agrees. You lead them out of the alley, and after a short walk, you find a cozy café. The atmosphere is warm and inviting as you sit down and browse the menu. Spotting your favorite dish, you decide to indulge and order a large portion, surprising not only the waiter but also Jouno and Tecchou.

Time skip brought to you by: After seven consecutive days without sleep, the brain starts to eat itself.

After finishing the meal and settling the bill, the three of you step out of the café.

"Thank you for the meal, miss..."

Jouno trails off, realizing he doesn't know your name.


You supply.

"Thank you for the meal, Miss Y/n."

Jouno concludes.

"Yes, we appreciate your kindness, Miss Y/n."

Tecchou adds.

"It's nothing. You helped me, so it was the least I could do. I don't like being in debt."

You say, waving them off before heading home.

End of P.O.V

Love Percent

Dazai Osamu: 42% 

Ranpo Edogawa: 79%

Chuuya Nakahara: 72%

Yosano Akiko: 18%

Fyodor Dostoevsky: 1%

Nikolai Gogol: 0%

Sigma: 0%

Edgar Allan Poe: 0%

Tecchou Suehiro: 78%

Jouno Saigiku: 66%

How was the chapter? Was it as embarrassing as I thought it was? How are you all doing? Have you eaten yet? Gotten hydrated? Slept for more than five hours? If you haven't please do. You end up with horrible headaches when you don't. This chapter took me so long, because I couldn't focus. But again, credits for this chapter goes to CrossOverAnen, for giving me their idea. And if you read this when I published it, you should probably get some sleep. If you want any other love interests, please tell me! Also, I'm kind of thinking of discontinuing this because I don't know what to write. But I'll try to update as soon as I get motivation and ideas for future chapters. And I like to mass update so I can get a lot done and then procrastinate so if multiple chapters pop up randomly I'm sorry. I'll try to update as soon as possible, but I can't really get my brain to produce thoughts. I hope you are doing wonderful, and are eating without being restricted because I realized that some people aren't allowed to eat a certain amount after I forgot like five years ago. I would love to read your ideas, and please give those random people from Ranpo's case a name because I can't think of one and It's bothering me.

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