Chapter seven

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Hello, I, the Author, am/is back again! Enjoy another horrible chapter! Stay safe enough to not accidentally become immortal! Also I'm mostly going to be writing in second P.O.V because I'm comfortable with it, sorry!

Warning: Kidnapping, violence, invasion of privacy, torture, cussing(maybe).

2nd Person P.O.V

The man hoisted your limp body over his shoulder and carried you to the car he had parked a couple of houses down from your own. Without much care, he tossed you into the trunk, slammed it shut, and then settled into the driver's seat. Eventually, the car rumbled to life, and he drove off with you trapped and unconscious in the dark confines of the trunk.

Timeskip brought to you by: The fact that you have never actually touched anything in your entire life because atoms can't touch each other.

When the car reached its destination, the man exited the vehicle and headed to the trunk, roughly pulling your body out and dragging it into an abandoned hospital. He dragged you through the dimly lit hallways, stopping in front of a door that led to the basement. With little regard, he dropped your body to the ground before carefully descending the stairs. Still, you hadn't woken up, and the man was relieved. He continued to drag you down the basement corridor, eventually chaining you to a chair. Then, he waited for you to regain consciousness. About half an hour later, you began to stir.

"Why? Why me? Why is it always me? Always, always, ALWAYS?"

You muttered to yourself, the words spilling out like a mantra. The man who had kidnapped you—whom you had whimsically named Cheese, as that was the first thing that came to mind when you opened your eyes and saw him—impatiently waited for you to stop talking. He finally stood up from his makeshift seat on the floor.

"Did you, by any chance, work for the military as a child?"

Cheese asked, rummaging through a bag that, although it seemed to appear out of nowhere, was apparently there the entire time. He pulled out a whip, and your eyes flashed with anger at the sight.

'So now you just get to hit me? What happened to respecting women?' you thought, bristling at the disrespect.

"Yes, I did. But you already knew that, so there wasn't any point in asking," you replied, having pieced together what he was after. They believed you knew the location of something, and they thought they could force it out of you.

"Shut up and answer me respectfully," Cheese demanded, slapping you across the face. A dark red mark blossomed on your cheek, but you gave no reaction, prompting him to slap you again.

"Answer me!" he shouted, clearly agitated.

'You just told me to shut up, though?' you thought, maintaining a neutral expression.

"Are you actually ignoring me!? You stupid bitch! All of you are meant to be housewives," Cheese ranted, his tone laced with disdain.

'Not all of us want to be housewives,' you thought angrily, but remained silent.

"Never mind, that's off topic. Do you have an ability?" he asked, abruptly changing the subject.

"Yes, unfortunately," you responded coldly, glaring at Cheese, who seemed to enjoy asking invasive questions.

"What's your ability called?" he demanded, whipping you across the chest without warning.

"Láska prokleté bohyně," you answered, watching as confusion clouded his face.

"Láska pro—what?" he struggled to repeat.

"Láska prokleté bohyně," you said again, slower this time.

"That doesn't help, you idiot," Cheese snapped, whipping you again.

"It's not Japanese; you weren't supposed to understand," you replied, your annoyance evident. Your kidnapper, Cheese, was proving to be quite dense. Who doesn't appreciate the beauty of confusing people with a beautiful language?

2nd P.O.V: End.

Love percent

Dazai Osamu: 43%

Ranpo Edogawa: 79%

Chuuya Nakahara: 72%

Yosano Akiko: 20%

Fyodor Dostoevsky: 3%

Nikolai Gogol: 0%

Sigma: 0%

Edgar Allan Poe: 0%

Tecchou Suehiro: 79%

Jouno Saigiku: 66%

Story Secrets!

Y/n refuses to use her ability unless it's absolutely necessary, or for decoration!

Y/n likes sweets!

Y/n's ability is the cause of her unnatural beauty!

Since Y/n's ability saps at her strength, she will often pass out!

Y/n is aware of Dazai's past job, and guessed it first try, but refused the money!

Ranpo can't tell what Y/n's past is!

Thank you for reading Cursed Beauty, and I hope you're enjoying it so far! I'm still coughing up blood, I haven't visited a doctor, and I'm hoping that you all are doing better than I am! Please have a wonderful day/night/evening/morning/afternoon! I love you all, please sleep for at least five hours, drink water, and eat some food, if you haven't! Bye!

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