chapter 35

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"Now that you know what you should know, I trust we won't have any more problems, hmm?" Ling Xue's poisonous words pierced deep into Jiao Jiao's heart, but she nodded her head carefully and looked down at her lap.

Ling Xue smirked at her discomfiture. Who knew the stupid girl would be so easy to bully? She looked across the room and said, "Oh right, I meant to talk to you about BrightSmart as well."

Jiao Jiao looked up at her. "Oh?"

"We've been looking for a new spokesperson to help us with a round of fundraising. As the most recent recipient of the scholarship, you'd be fitting, don't you think?"

Jiao Jiao shifted uncomfortably on the luxurious couch and fingered the corner of the pillow beside her. "I'm not great with crowds or public speaking, Sister Xue. I might not be the best person for the job, especially if you rely on me to secure investments."

"Nonsense, who better to talk about the benefits of BrightSmart than a little girl we rescued from poverty? Look at you now, dressed up beautifully and mingling with Shanghai's richest young talents; aren't you just the perfect model to show the benefits of BrightSmart?"

Jiao Jiao's heart dropped at her words, and her eyes began to tear. She hadn't asked for the scholarship; it was given to her based on her excellence. And who said she needed to be rescued? Jiao Jiao and Jing Mei were happy in Hunan Village before BrightSmart came along.

Unaware to all except Ling Xue and a few select conspirators, The BrightSmart Foundation's once-stable finances were nearly exhausted. She'd been seduced by that devil, Li Xiang, into financing one of his enterprises, and he hadn't paid her back yet. A couple of months ago she'd been drunk and lonely, and Li Qian's older cousin found her at the bar. He had enough physical similarity to Li Qian that she didn't fight when he pulled her into bed.

Ling Xue wasn't stupid; she knew if you went to bed with dogs, you'd get up with fleas. Now, she was in a sticky situation, with Li Xiang threatening to expose their relationship unless she gave him more money.

As much as she hated the little slut, Jiao Jiao held the power to salvage the foundation's reputation and secure its future. Her gorgeous face, slim figure, and demure attitude were the perfect bait for the investors she'd lined up. She'd sacrifice Jiao Jiao to the wolves to keep her affair and embezzlement from Li Qian's ears.

Jiao Jiao blinked her eyes rapidly, trying to hold back the tears threatening to fall. After a moment, she raised her head and said, "Thank you for the opportunity, Sister Xue. I'll talk to my mom about it and let you know. Um, can you tell me where the restroom is?"

Ling Xue thought for a moment, then smiled brightly. "Head down the hallway to the right and follow it until you reach the end. You'll see a red door to the left."

Jiao Jiao stood up and patted down her fluffy skirt. She bowed quickly with thanks and headed out of the private room without looking back.

As she closed the door behind her, she stood silently for a moment and lowered her head despondently. The aroma of exotic perfume and the pulsing throb of dance music filled her senses. She wrinkled her nose in distaste and headed down the hallway. Why did she keep running into these complicated situations? Life in Hunan Village had been so simple: just school, paint, trees, and Mom. Nothing more, nothing less. Although she had wanted to see more of the world, she was beginning to regret her eagerness to try something new.

She reached the end of the deserted hallway and looked both ways. 'Which direction did she say? Ah yes, red door to the left.'

Jiao Jiao quickly turned to the left and approached the vivid red door, its lacquered surface gleaming like a ruby. She burst through the door and was stopped dead at the horrible sight before her.

It was a tall man with a muscular back, clad in a dark gray suit and slim charcoal pants. The figure was looming over a young woman in her twenties. The woman was sitting on the floor with her back against the patterned wallpaper, her fingers scrabbling against the carpet and tears streaming down her cheeks.

Her face contorted as she begged, "Please, Young Master Li, I'm just a waitress. I'm only here to deliver your drinks, and then I'll leave!"

As the man closed in on the woman, Jiao Jiao felt a heavy pressure begin to squeeze her ears. Sounds filtered through her darkening vision: the clink of a belt buckle, a woman's screams, pulsing music, running feet, a shouted name – Jiao Jiao!

When her eyes closed, she fell into a warm and strong embrace and knew nothing more.

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