《Uncovering the past》

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Loynce's pov-

The next day came and I finished unpacking everything I owned. My room was looking nice and it wasn't to bad. I then sat on my bed and stared at the wall for awhile until I looked at the ground near my desk and saw a bright green thing that looked like a book poking out from underneath the floor board. I walked to it and picked it up, it was a book but didn't have a title. "Weird." I said to myself. I then sat on my bed and opened the book, it said "property of Lloyd Garmadon" "Dad?" I said to myself once more. I then turned the page and saw drawings and writing on the page. I decided to give it a read, I mean I gotta figure out what my father's hiding at some point!

"Dear Diary, Hi my name is Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon. I'm 8 years old and I love candy! It's just so good! I'm in this school I forgot the name of it but it's pretty fun! I'm learning how to be evil like my dad! I'm also good at drawing stick people! My dad is really tall and cool! And I'm also getting big! I'm gonna be the most evil person ever in history! Muhahahaha!"

"Ummmm...ok?..." I said to myself. My father was how old when he wrote this, 8? That explains the grammar and punctuation, but why did he want to be like his father but then suddenly be saving the world?! I then read the next page.

"Hey diary. I just bullied by those stupid Ninja. I hate the Ninja! I'm gonna get them so good there gonna wish they never messed with me! I'm also 10 now! Pretty cool right! I know I'm supper cool! I'm a big boy now! Anyways im getting revenge on those stupid Ninjas very soon! Muhahahahaha!"

"Oh so there's a time skip." I said to myself. He still has bad grammar as he forgot to put got in between just and bullied. Anyways I turned the page to continue reading.

"Dear Diary, I know it's been awhile, I just figured out I'm the Green Ninja. I don't know if I should be happy, sad, mad, or scared? Happy because I'm powerful now, sad because I have to fight my father, mad because I could have found out sooner, and scared because I can't be a kid anymore. Now I have to train and not play video games. The big question I'm asking myself is...why me?"

Wow...so dad did have it rough...well that doesn't matter cause he still abandoned me!! I continued reading while trying to keep my temper down as just thinking about him and what he did got me angry.

"Dear Diary, alot has happened in these past few weeks...I used this tea thing to stop a monster and I uh aged up. I still have my child like mind it's just I have the body of a teenager...I don't know how to feel about this...my whole entire child hood has been taken away from me all because of this stupid role! I hate being a Ninja, but yet...if I'm not around then who will lead the team? Who will put an end to the over lord?... it's all up to me to save ninjago..."

Wow, he lost his childhood...ok. But that still doesn't give him permission to just leave me!!! I continued reading on the next page.

"Hey diary, it's me again. I know it's been a year sense I last wrote. I've been pretty busy, I watched Zane die and then come back to life, I watched Jay and Nya get closer, Kai started to call me his little brother, I got possessed by a ghost named Morro. It's just alot to explain! But just when I finally got my father back...I ended up loosing him agian...for good this time...I just can't believe it...he's gone...forever...I'll miss him so much..."

I didn't know what to say to that, so I continued reading. A couple minutes passed as I read my father's explanations to what has happened to him sense the last time he has written. Then I turned to the next page and it had a title, it said "Chapter 3, sensei" I then realize that there were 2 other chapters, there was "Chapter 1, the evil beginning" and "Chapter 2, The beginning of the Green Ninja" "Ok so he sectioned this, not to bad." I said. Then I read the first page of chapter three.

"Hey, it's been awhile, like a real while. I haven't written sense last year and alot has changed. Such as Master Wu disappearing...and me becoming sensei. I'm not ready for this responsibility! I'm only 14! I'm now reaching the point where I'm hitting puberty. My body is already changing while my mind is still young. This is just so weird, I have the mind of a 12 year old but yet the body of a 14 year old? This is still weird to me. But as I was saying, I have this huge responsibility and I'm worried I'll screw up. I don't want to mess up, I want to be as good as sensei Wu was. Hopefully I can be like him..."

I turned the page and that's where things got interesting.

"Hey diary it's me again. I know I've been irresponsible with keeping you up to pace but it's just being the Green Ninja is alot of work. Anyways, me and the others were tasked into guarding a palace. Can you believe it, an actual castle with actual royalty! So cool! Anyways our job here is simple, protect the royal family and the Oni mask and find out who's trying to steal it. It's not gonna be easy but I'm sure we'll protect them. Anyways speaking of the royal family, they have this princess here and shes...kinda cute...we went to the canals to feed the poor and it was pretty fun not gonna lie. I can see this relationship progressing so much! I'm actually kinda of scared and excited All at once! Ive never been in a relationship before, so I'm hoping this goes well!"

"And that's where he met mom..." I said to myself. Just as I was about to continue reading someone barged into my room. And I quickly hid the book under my pillow. "Learn to knock!!!" I yelled but when I looked at the door I realized who I just yelled at and I completely felt embarrassed and sorry!

To be continued...

Word count- 1,135

Authors note- This is definitely longer than expected! But I enjoyed writing this so I hope you all enjoy reading it!

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