♧Mixed Emotions♧

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Loynce's pov-

I knew exactly where this was going "Well I'm gonna get going now so enjoy" I said and as I got up Jake asked me the sorta same question Kane asked me earlier "Why you leaving, you gotta a lover too?" "I don't need to answer that question." I replied. I then walked out of the room and went down the hall into my bedroom. And once again sat on bed before reading the book incase anyone followed me.

Kane's pov-

I could feel my face rapidly heat up as I noticed that Lilly was blushing which meant she did have a thing for me. I can't believe it! "I- she- they- wa- huh?!!!" I said. I was in such shock and confusion and I don't even know!!! Jake and Nixxie started laughing, so did Casey. Man I was fine with the twins (Jake and Nixxie) laughing but Casey! Man just cause he's my best bro doesn't mean he can laugh!! I tryed to speak but everytime I wanted to speak I just didn't say anything! Then Lilly spoke "I-I need to leave use that r-restroom!!!" Lilly then ran away after she said that I then had to leave aswell so I then got up and left sense I couldn't form any words at the moment. I ran as fast as I could and I ran in my room and shut the door. "I can't believe it I can't believe it!!!" I yelled to myself. I didn't understand I didn't I mean I couldn't process!!! "GAHHHH!" I yelled very loud and I then grabbed something and threw it at the wall. I just needed to blow of some steam that's all. I just kept grabbing things and throwing it at the wall.

Nixxie's pov-

After Loynce, Lilly, and Kane left we stared at eachother like weirdos for a few minutes in silence. Then finally Jake spoke to break the silence "I'm gonna go and take a shower..." He then walked out. All of a sudden I heard Kane screaming from down the hall. "And there he goes..." I said. Right when I said that I heard a crash from Kanes room then a ton of bangs following that crash. "I think Kane's anger issues are getting worse?" I said. "Yeah, he looked mad when I was laughing." Casey said. We both then got up and went our separate ways down the hall. I walked over to Kane's room, because he's angry I'm pretty sure that he might eventually burn this place down if no one Calms him down. That will definitely not be good. I walked over to his room and opened the door that's when I saw Kane about to throw a photo at the wall but I ran and stopped him before he broke the photo. "Kane calm down!" I said. Kane then looked at me and realized what he was doing and he then apologized. "I'm sorry Nix, I didn't mean to." "It's alright Kane, now let's go eat some cupcakes to calm down." I said. Kane agreed and so we went to the kitchen to eat and calm down.

Lilly's pov-

I ran to my bedroom instead of the bathroom cause I knew that someone was gonna go in there at some point. So I ran in my room and locked the door. I sat on the floor and I tryed to think happy thoughts to calm myself down as I was breathing very fast. After a while I calmed down and I then just stared at the wall, I started to think about me and Kane. "Do I really liked him?" I asked myself. I sat there thinking about my feelings towards him and I realized that ever sense the first time we met I had a thing for him. I felt my face slightly heat up as I thought about it. I just sat there for the next 20 minutes thinking about the scenario.

Casey's pov-

So that was akuard, well Kane brought this upon himself! I didn't do anything wrong so I'm not the one to be blamed for this. I was walking down the hall to go to my room where I then heard someone yelling. I thought it was Kane but this yelling didn't sound like Kane, it sounded like...Loynce? Why would he yell? Nothing bad happened to him, this doesn't make sense! But yet now that I think about it he was kinda rude to Jake when he left. I walked up to Loynce's room and I hear a crash, it wasn't anything with glass on it so that's good. I wanted to open the door but I remember that Loynce is one of those people to obsess over privacy. So I knocked and he replied with "Go away." "Hey Loynce it's Casey, I'm checking up on ya sense I heard you yelling!" I said. He then responded with "Go away Casey I'm fine I was just cleaning up and I dropped something and I got mad but I'm fine now so go away!" He was getting louder as he said that. "You sure?" I asked. "Yes now go!!!" He yelled. I then pretended to leave and instead I stood right beside the door against the wall to listen. I would stand at the door but he can see who's there form the crack under the door.

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