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No one's pov-

After they all set their plan they went to have dinner as it was almost past seven. They sat at the dinner table, and silence filled the room. They didn't speak at all as there was nothing else to say. No eye contact, no comments on the food, no smiles, no giggles nor chuckles nothing. Then they one by one finished their food put away their dishes and went to their rooms for some shut eye. Only Zach and Casey were able to sleep meanwhile Lilly, Jake, and Kane were having trouble sleeping through the night as there was to much on their minds. Lilly couldnt stop thinking about, well everything. Like how hers father has returned and how he kidnapped hers little brother, and how hers mother has reappeared with all the other former Ninjas out of nowhere. She has so many mixed emotions about everything and she just couldn't focus on one thing. But eventually she fell asleep. As for Jake, he couldn't stop thinking about his sister and if she was alright. Sure she's annoying but he still loves her and wants her to be safe. He also hates her for running off without him. He didn't know if he should be sad, worried, or mad. Eventually he tired himself out by thinking to much and he fell asleep. As for Kane he thought the very same thing Jake did while he also thought of many other things that are not related to the situation, but soon enough he fell asleep.

~The Next Day~

No one's pov-

The Ninja woke up and ate breakfast meanwhile Nixxie was standing infront of an ocean. She stared at the water and was unsure if what she was about to do would work. Then she took a deep breath and asked.

"Hey Mini, what are the chances this works?"

"I calculate a 30% chance that this will succeed"

"Welp let's hope to change those odds!"

Nixxie then jumps on the water and moves hers hands around to create a bubble of water surrounding her. And it held together holding all hers weight from her and the suit as the suit adds an extra 2 pounds.

"Yes, it worked!!" Nixxie yelled in excitement.

She then started running and the bubble moved.

"Next stop, Prime evils eye!!"

Meanwhile at the monastery...

Nya, Jay, Kai, Skylor, and Cole were in the Monastery talking about a plan to help out the kids and save Lloyd while Vania was useing the restroom and Harumi was in Loynce's room. A ton of flashbacks hit her while being in there as she remembers when Lloyd owned this room. Everywhere she looked a new memory would apear which would make her cry Harumi sat on the ground against the bed and she began to cry as she felt so guilty for so many things that she has done to Lloyd to lead up to his current state. No matter how hard she tried to help she just only make things worse.

Harumi's pov-

"This is all my fault! I couldn't stop Lloyd and I ended up getting in the way and I made him attack me and he has had to carry that guilt for years and I hurt my kids and I thought I left them thinking I was protecting them but instead I lead them right to them and now Loynce is gone and he hates me and it's all my fault!!" Harumi sobs.

She then continues crying with while having hers head hidden. Then Vania walks in and sits next to Harumi. Harumi doesn't look up at all then Vania speaks.

"It's not your fault, you were just trying to do the right thing."

Harumi looks up facing Vania as she wipes hers tears.

"You don't need to keep hating yourself, because if it wasn't for you all our kids would have been dead along time ago." Vania says reassuring Harumi that everything will be alright.

"Yes, but if it wasn't for me then they wouldn't have been in that situation" Harumi says while wiping hers nose.

"How so?" Vania asks.

Harumi breaths before explaining.

"I went to go pick berries from the woods behind our little cottage when I got ambushed by a lady with white hair like me. She had a marking on hers face and she was with another woman that had brown hair and it was in a bun, she was holding a weird device. They threatened to harm my kids if I didn't tell them where Lloyd was. I then clicked a button on my bracelet that we all have incase if one of us needs help and after you guys showed up and helped me and got rid of them later on that week they somehow knew everything about us, like our ages, where we live, our names, our kids ages and names. And I knew that once Lloyd left we were no longer safe. Ofcourse you guys were safe cause you have your gaurds, Kai has Sky, Jay and Nya have eachother, Zane and Pixal have eachother aswell and without Lloyd...we weren't safe at all. And because we lived so far away from Ninjago and from any of you I was scared. And so seeing as I was the only one who had any idea where Lloyd was at at the time I took the kids to a safe place where I stayed for the time being until I was adopted by the king and queen. And I left them and went somewhere far from Ninjago where no one could find me." Harumi says.

Vania looked at Harumi and was concerned for her.

"So that's why you left." Vania says.

Harumi looks at the ground.

"And now Loynce hates me for that and I don't even know what to do now" Harumi says.

"It's ok Harumi, I'm sure that once your able to explain to him what you explained to me then he'll understand." Vania says.

"I guess your right, thanks Van." (pronounced- Vawn)

"Your welcome Rumi."

They both get up and hug.


In the Oni Cave...

Loynce was sitting on the crystal ground of whatever he was in. He pretty much had given up trying to find any clues to escape. He stared at his reflection in the giant crystal infront of him. He looked at his scar and noticed it got slightly bigger. He wasnt phased by it for some reason he just stared at himself and didnt say or do anything. Its like if he was lifeless for some reason. Little did he know that next to him was his father who was also trapped in the same exact room next door. Lloyd was laying on the ground trying to hold back his anger to prevent himself from turning into his Oni form. In doing so he couldn't move a muscle as it would break his concentration. He layed there staring at his huge scar that went across his face. He didn't fight back when he was put here as he's been put here so many times that he doesn't care anymore. Both Lloyd and Loynce have given up in trying to escape this nightmare, they have faced the fact that they weren't ever gonna escape...

To be continued...

Word count- 1,221

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