{A Familiar Face}

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"Wait that was spinjitsu?!!!!" I asked very confused. "Yes, but I've never seen anything like the way you did it so I'm not even quite sure if it is!" Mrs. Smith said. She looked puzzled. Then she said "Hold on a second!" And went through the door behind the front counter. "DUDE THAT WAS AWESOME!!!" Jake yelled. "BRO YOU JUST DID THE ONE MOVE THAT NONE OF US HAVE MANAGED TO DO!!!" Casey yelled. "Lilly that was awesome!" Kane said. "Wait what did you do Lilly?" I asked. "Well while your were on the ground glowing extremely bright I managed to get a good glimpse of where the other armed guys were so I blasted them with my power." Lilly said. "Wait you managed to activate your power on your own?!!!" I asked. "Yeah, can you not do that?" Lilly asked. "No I tryed doing it while fighting those guys but it didn't work!!" I said. "Wait so everything you did in that battle like the spinjitsu and your whole body glowing wasn't you?" Jake asked. "Yup!" I replied. "I'm honestly not even sure how I managed to not get shot in that fight!" I said. Then Mrs. Smith walked back to us and she came with this guy? "Dad!" Kane yelled as he ran to the guys arm. "Hey son" Mr. Smith replied. "Hey uncle Kai!" Jake and Nixxie said. "Hey kidos, now which one of you just did spinjitsu?" Mr. Smith asked. Everyone pointed at me, ofcourse. And before I knew it he walked towards me and stared at me head to toe. I felt so uncomfortable and worried and scared all in one as Kane's dad was tall. "What's your elemental power?" Mr. Smith asked. "Uhhhh well...about that I uhh don't really know at all, I'm assuming...light?" I said. "Can you activate it?" Mr. Smith asked. "I mean I can try but I'm not sure it'll work" I said. This was weird and I was wierded out by all this and extremely uncomfortable but Hey! This guy might actually help me find out what my power is. I then took off my gloves and tryed my hardest to activate my powers but they wouldn't budge. "C'mon c'mon!" I said. Then Mr. Smith said "Breath in and out close your eyes and think of what you wanna do." I didn't really think that breathing was gonna help but I did it anyways just so this dude doesn't harm me. And before I knew it my power activated. Are you telling me that all I had to do was breath and my power would activate?!!! "Well, your power may look like light but it isn't, Loynce you have the power of Creation and Golden mixed together!" Mr. Smith said. What?!!!! "Ok! First off how do you know my name?!!! Second Creation as in the power of the dragons?!!! Third Gold as in the power of the first and ultimate spinjitsu master?!!! And fourth why is it so bright and blinding?!!! And fith!!!!!-" I said and I then got cut off by Mr. Smith "Calm down Loynce and breath!" "Breath?! You think that breathing will solve everything well news flash it wont!" I yelled. This dude didn't even answer any of my questions and for some reason that made me mad! But before I could say anything else Lilly put hers hand on my shoulder and said "Sorry about him it's just he's had a long day and usually he tends to get mad after awhile." To be honest I wasn't annoyed or bothered at what she said. "I see, you act alot like your father as he would get really annoyed at everything after a long day." Mr. Smith said. "Wait you knew our father?" Me and Lilly asked. Then Mr. Smith put his head down and he sighed. "Kai and your father were more than freinds, they were brothers. Mrs. Smith said. "But one day your father attacked me...and left me with a scar that made me weak. I could no longer walk well and I could no longer use my elemental power as I was to weak to do so, and when all your parents went to live away from ninjago I was afraid as I was ninjagos last hope but yet i'm to weak to stand without a cane." Mr. Smith said. "Wait that scar looks familiar!" Lilly said. And now that she mentioned it that scar does look familiar! "Yeah mom had that same exact scar on hers arm!" I said. "I've been studying those scars and it's apparently some sort of curse. Whoever gets this scar will become weak mainly in the area they got the scar in. So Kai can't walk well because he got the scar on his leg." Mrs. Smith said. "And mom got it on hers arm and now she can't use it aswell sense it's weak!" Lilly said. "And what I've discovered is that this scar can only be made by an Oni with a specific blood type, and it seems that your father has that blood type, and you two might have that aswell." Mrs. Smith said. I looked at Lilly I could tell she was worried and concerned. I then felt my heart racing, my father harmed someone that he considered a brother?! No wonder why he had no problem with ruining my life!!! But this doesn't make sense, he wrote he cared in the book, did he lie, or changed?! "Anyways. I'm here to help you all have full control over your elemental powers." Mr. Smith said. "Aww yeah!!!" Jake said. "Booya!!!" Casey said. "Yipee kai hey bros!!!" Kane said. That was the most weird thing he's ever said sense we became the next gen of Ninja. "Are you all ready?" Mr. Smith asked. We all looked at eachother and knew we thought the same thing. "I think we all know the answer!" Lilly said. "Well then go ahead, I know you kids wanna say it." Mr. Smith said. We all looked at eachother, jumped as high as we could and yelled as loud as we could.


To be continued...

Word count- 1,052

Author's note- Stay tuned for the next chapter cause a ton of training and elemental power usage is on its way!

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