Part 4

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“Are not going to say l can sit down” l ask as l sit down Dante and Nikolai come and stand on each side of the sofa.

“You are already sitting” he say as he  looks at me like he is  waiting for me to say something. “What do want cause l know you didn't come here for old time sake ” he say with a bit of bitterness in his tongue

“Come on don't be like that with me l through we were friends now. ” l smiled at him

“Get to the point or get out ” he says l smirk and look him dead in the eye. It's time for business play time is over.

“I just need you to find a guy for than hand him to me. Then you will have one less favour to owe me ” l say the ,as  Nikolai places a file in front of him. “That all the information we have on the person ”. He looks at the file then picks it up. “Come on get going ”

“You have two day just two don't disappoint me, you know how to get in touch. ”

I say as stand up to leave not really waiting for an answer cause l know he will do it weather he likes it or not. Before l was out the door l look back and said “Don't do anything stupid know”

We were no our way out when l saw the most beautiful girl in my life. When we got outside l turn to Nikolai a said “You saw the girl we just passed inside ” he nodded“Do some research l want her file no my table in 6 hours got it ”

“Got it” he said going back inside. My brother was already inside the car, l knew at this point in time he want to any where else but here. The minute l got in we were off.

“Yor mother is going to drive me insane” he said

“Why” l asked l think l already know the answer.

“Since you won't get married and start making grand babies,  now she on top of me. Sending me pictures of weman l can marry now she just invited me for lunch. ”

“Then go” l say already bored l know how it feels cause l was in his position just a couple of days ago. The lunch will have l girl ready for him to talk and my mother hoping for him to marry her. She is not old but l don't know what's up with her lately

“You have to come with me” he say

“No” l say

“But l went with you” he says

“And” l say as l look up form my phone

“You can't do this to me” he say getting disparate

“Watch me ” l say

“Come on l will do any ” that was all it toke now we are at restaurants and at the window sits we see our mother and two girls. No he didn't l look at him in disbelief he told my mother l was coming he set me up.

“Come on don't give that look” that's  all he says.

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