Part 5

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I just woke and already have l headache, the weekend goes by so fast that l hate it sometimes. Now l have to wake up Ame “Can't l sleep l little more....... please ” l shake my head no.

“I wish we would but l have work and you have school”l say as she get up to get ready and l set for clothes on her bed. She hates getting up as much as l do we are not morning people. I go to the bathroom and peak inside“ Are you almost done l am going to start breakfast.” l ask

“Almost ” she says and l start heading down to make breakfast. Soon she was down in the kitchen and we were eating breakfast. She was almost when l got up and got my outfit ready.

“Ready ” l say as l get into the kitchen she nods as we start getting out. Mondays are the worst l don't even know how l got through high school but l made. As we are walking l got a weird feeling like someone is following us.

like it's monday it's probably nothing l tell my self. When we get to the l say bye and kiss her on the cheek and watch her as she runs up to her friend. Her friend waves back at me and l just smile and wave back. Now it's think to catch the bus to work.

As l walk in everything seems off but l continue walking “What's happening? ” l ask Emma our fornt desk, as l sign in.

“We have a new owner ”she says

“What! Since when? , who's the person? ” l ask

“Since now and don't know who. We going to have introductions ask soon as everyone gets in”she says l nod and walk way. For the past l don't know minuets that is all that l have been on my mind. Now we l are walking into the board room and everyone is pilling in to see the new owner.

I like mister Allister he knew of my situation and helped l am going to miss him. When everyone was settled mister Allister walked in and got everyone's attention he “I am here to say that it has been a pleasure working with each and everyone of you, l am going to miss everyone in this room. Let us get to the point l think everyone nows there is a new owner and that is mister Du Luca” he says. I think my heart just skipped a beat.

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