Part 9

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We got to the ware house and he was was ready and tried up hanging from the ceiling. “aaaam sorrrryyy.............. please have mercy ” he says

“You want my mercy after steal 10 million. Where the fuck is my money” l say losing am claimness l had.

“I had some.. e.... one whho....... I  owwed monney” he says

“Really so you had the great idea to steal my fucking money.”

“please... I have a family” he said it was kind of pathetic excuse.

“You should have thought about that  before stealing my fucking money NIKO give the knife.”  l let out a laugh. “So what l am going to do is give 10 cut 10 bullets 10 punchs 10 kicks. After that l going to visit our little family....... Yeah”

“please donn't hurt my kids please” he started to sob

“Come on save the tears we go a long night and we are going to have some fun. By the way am going to feed my dogs you nuts and feed you to kids” l say

“NIKO  DANTE it's play time” it has been 3, 4 hour and he has finally given up he had some good screams and they sounded just like music to my ears . By the time l was done l was coved in blood but l don't mind you know l need this. But l din't thing he could have done all this by him could he.

“Boys cut him up and track his children and bring them to the base and feed him to them. Then we can train them and use the. Do what ever it takes to bring them to the base and give my dogs his balls while you at it.” One of my head man nods and l walk off.

We get in the cars and the drive home seemed fast and then going there. When we reached the house and the car stopped. l got off then  went straight to my room and took l a shower. I start to thinking about Mai, we are going to have a fun day she has no idea. Soon she will stay with me and and her little sister.

I can't believe she has been taking care of her little even before  her parents were alive. They were both workaholics same with me and Dante but we never had our parents. We were  at a  forester house it was just bad l then l dicided that we were to leave.

We stayed on the streets long then l would have like for us. I need to get some work done before tomorrow.

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