Part 7

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As l was about to walk away he snaked his hand around my waist “You know l have another job for you were you never ever worry about money”l waited l moment and then felt something on my low back even in heels l was still shorter than him.

“What is it ” l asked don't know why l asked but l did so l hope for the best answer they is. Well l don't know the answer but hope got the best.

“You want to know” he asked lowly and l nod“ You can become my woman” l let it sink then l ran the hell out of there. I didn't stop until l was near my building but l was still walking pretty fast. When l got into my apartment l let out a sigh. The looked at  the time it was still early to go fetch Ame up so l took a nap.

By the time l woke up it was almost time to pick her up so l just set thing up so when l get back lncan just get  cooking. When l got there the bell just rang and kids were running out Ame finely came out “Hey baby how was your day ” l ask as she handed  me her bag

“It was fun” she said with a smile

“Really” l said we were busy talking when a car stopped in fornt of us as the back window of the car when down  my smile dropped. “What do you want? ” l ask trying to sound cold

“Just here to offer a ride” he said

“No we are fine” l said

“Mimi l am tried” Ame said this was not the time like girl you couldn't say that when were still at your. No you just hand to say it when he was here offering us a ride. I don't even know now if she knows what she is doing.

“Just get in” he said l got in then placed Ame  beside me “Your chil-”

“Sister” l cut him off he takes my  hand in his then squeeze it.

“First off  never cut me off when l am talking got it” l nod “Good girl” he said and  the driver stopped at our building and the he“ l will see you at work at 11 sharp okay. Don't be late or you won't like what l will do. ” l just got out the car

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