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I AM BACK WITH WORDS PEOPLE! Had a situation irl that disallowed me access to my laptop but I have regained access and I am ready to finish this bad boy! >:D

(Also, I could access the doc from my phone BUT it's so big that the poor device couldn't handle it lol)

A big thank you to merrijack on Ao3  for leaving the funniest dialogue in the comments (which I have borrowed and used in theeeeeeeeeeee *searches through chapter* third segment (before the last segment) :D

"Hey, 'Suma, so... this is going to be an awkward chat..."

Both boys back away the instant they hear the word "Suma". That is Parrot's nickname for Xisuma– certainly this Grian guy doesn't know Xisuma. Oh, but he certainly does, because he wouldn't have known his name if that were the case. Parrot can't decide if they are lucky or unlucky that they bumped into one of Xisuma's acquaintances. The plan was to ask a stranger to borrow their phone for a minute tops and now they have bumped into a man who is a non-stranger.

He can't deny that he feels a little nervous. Normally, he doesn't care what other people think of him... Or, he used to not care what other people thought of him. Recent developments involving a voidwalker man and a roof over his head must have changed that because now he feels obligated to make a good impression on the avian in front of him for Xisuma's sake.

Speaking of, this man is an avian. He sneaks a few peeks at the colourful feathers that stick out of Grian's back, regarding the colours with awe. Maybe he also takes after a parrot! Which could be good? He doesn't know what to make of it. All he knows is that meeting this avian fellow has made his mind a little clearer; his heart a little lighter.

"I found two kids who claim that you are their dad..." Grian continues, kicking the ground awkwardly. It is a pretty awkward conversation to be having with a friend, who didn't have two Primary-age kids months ago. There is muffled noise that comes from the phone's speaker and Grian responds, whilst looking each of them in the eyes. "Yeah, Parrot and Spoke– they're yours?!"

As Grian has his little moment or realisation, Spoke leans in towards Parrot. "His eyes do the thing your eyes do. It's strange."

Parrot turns and looks at him questioningly. "What do my eyes do?"

"They stare into my soul."

The man's wings flare open with a loud ruffle, yellow, blue and red feathers with little blinks of green spread out like a fan.

"When did you– Oh, they're the kids you were supposedly babysitting for a friend, aren't they?" Grian sighs into the palm of his hand. "This makes more sense now... Okay, so I found them near my workplace–"

And the muffled mumbles explode into loud yelling. Parrot swallows a knot in his throat. Oh, they are in so much trouble.

"Woah! Calm down! I don't know what they're doing out here– shouldn't I be asking you that?"

At the accusation of bad parenting, the yelling quiets instantly. Spoke hides his grin behind a hand. Saying to someone that their children have about ten years of street experience isn't a normal thing to say.

"Nah, mate, you stay there, I'll fly them back."

A moment later, Grian gives them the phone with a blank look on his face.

"He wants to speak to you."

"On no..." Spoke mutters under his breath.

Parrot hesitantly takes the phone into his hands and taps the speaker icon. Spoke shuffles close to him and half-hides behind his back. Parrot shoves him out of his hiding spot with a wing.

Xisuma's Parrotsitting [HermitSteal AU]Where stories live. Discover now