A Strange Visitor

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Player is shown to be inside of the GlitchDust AU, as he is floating around and looking around a little bit of the room that he is in. And needless to say, everything has been a little bit interesting for the passing days, especially with Error and Ink. Both Error and Ink have gotten a little bit stronger than before, with Error having grown stronger on his own. He's now acting different, now no longer being as anger-driven as before. He's now acting manipulative and mischievous in a way, and gained a new power of his own, and it seems he can hack reality somehow and do whatever he wants, which makes Player a little bit nervous to go near him. But luckily, Ink himself is also getting a little bit different, as he is now able to remember things a bit more better then before, his ability to recall is improving, and now he gains the power to put objects into paper, almost like he is Framing said objects. Needless to say, Ink is now able to stand some sort of chance against Error's new power, although he is a bit stronger than before. And Error, he's now gained the black and white strings, but not the explosive ones yet. His Glitch Ray is also improving, which is something.

Gradient also seems to be improving as well, as he has now gained both the powers of Error and Ink's new powers of Coding and Framing. Seems like the kid is getting a little bit better at following his parents more then before. And of course, Tint is also beginning to be taught by Ink how to frame as well. Hopefully Gradient is still able to enjoy his life inside of the Omega Timeline, because Error seems to have some more plans of his own, as he's working on something. Player has no idea what Error is working on, because he seems to be secretive about something. And admittedly, it is making Player a little bit uneasy, which he would not like about, because he has never seen Error after the way he is from before.

"Hopefully it isn't too severe. He's been changing like this ever since Error404 and Alpha disappeared."

Player spoke out, as he then shook his head and looked around a little bit, and he then spoke out.

"Maybe best not think about it now. Right now, I'm gonna try to think about the good stuff for today, so it'll help me get the bad stuff off my mind."

Player then began to look at a red screen, as he began to observe the people that exist inside of GlitchDust, while also drinking some Red Gatorade, the delicious taste filled his mouth, as he continues to look at the screen in front of him. He has no idea why he is doing that, he just feels like it, okay he is also kind of a little bit bored and has nothing else to do. So he's enjoying the moment that he is In right now, and hopefully it'll lead to nothing bad.

Of course, Dream and Nightmare also gained some new powers of their own. For Nigntmare, he has now gained the power to manipulate...well, nightmares, can induce sleep to other people that look into his eyes for 10 seconds, and can manipulate the Phobias of other by sticking a goop of sort to a person in order to know of their worst fears. He even gained a sort of Negativity Hydra of some sort, that are extremely large and powerful, with only Dream's Spear being able to counter them, although the Hydra itself kind of acts as Nightmare's per whenever they aren't fighting. As for Dream, he too possesses the same thing, but in the opposite way. Aside from the Sleep Inducement power, Dream also gained the powers of, well Dream Manipulation, which is sort of the opposite to the Nightmare manipulation, and Philia manipulation, in which he can attack a feather to a person to allow him to know what a person truly loves. Basically, both Dream and Nightmare had gained these powers when they unlocked their true state as Guardians.

Of course, Fatal_Error also gained 2 new powers of his own. Or rather, new strings of his own to use, although all of them are colored Red. The Determination Strings that can allow him to inject or absorb Detetmination through them, and can inject them to humans to force them to RESET, or inject them into monsters, in which they will melt until death, or become an amalgamation. The other strings that he has now is the Glitched Strings, in which he is able to absorb code from himself, and give it to someone else, due to the unknown properties of Fatal_Error's code if injected into a very weak character their body will slowly, and painfully become an Error, gaining new abilities, but only if they survive. Most of the time these monsters melt and die to the pain. Needless to say, Fatal_Error has grown dangerously strong in his own right, but he's now stopped hunting Error...at least for now. He'll still do it, but right now he is too busy to try and bring back his brother, Papyrus. And the thing is, he has also regained a little bit more of his sanity to now take longer naps to keeps his memories, as well as use his Copy N' Paste power to a much dangerous way then before.

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