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She had a baby, and her husband was very bad. She got divorced and lived with her baby alone.


Y/n: *teary eyes* I don't know what happened to her since she is in the hospital.

Taehyung: Don't worry, she'll be fine.

Taehyung wanted to ask her questions, but he hesitated, and seeing his hesitation, she spoke.

Y/n: Ask away, Taehyung.

Taehyung: *hesitately* What happened after he-

He stopped for a moment, trying to find the right words to use, and then again spoke.

Taehyung: What happened after the police took him away?

Y/n: oh? Nothing happened The police looked at me with pity as they took me to the hospital. My condition was very bad. When I woke up, the police took my statement and told me that they would make sure that the bastard would be punished. And I told them, "Just like before?" The police left with an embarrassed face. The doctor suggested that I visit the psychiatrist. And I immediately refused, saying that I didn't need anyone. Then I recovered and left that place, trying to find any place to stay. I saw on the internet that they needed a roommate. First, I hesitated, but when I saw that they were only girls, I was relieved. And that's how I found Jinsa and Layba.

Taehyung's eyes again turned teary.

Taehyung: *teary eyes* My baby cried all alone. My strong baby!

But Y/n said something that made him confused by her statement.

Y/n: *blank face* I don't cry, Taehyung!

And that's when something clicked in his mind, widening his eyes. And he spoke.

Taehyung: *teary eyes* Wait, you didn't cry? Did you? After that day?

Y/n: *blank face* No.

Taehyung: *broken voice* Why?

Y/n: *emotionless* I don't know. I just couldn't.

Taehyung: *teary eyes* How long?

Y/n: What?

Taehyung: How long has it been since that day?

Y/n: *emotionless* Three years.

Taehyung: *gasped* For three years, you didn't cry?

Y/n looked away, not wanting to face him. She didn't know why she wasn't able to face him, so she started to stand up from his lap and start to walk away. She didn't know where her feet were going. She was in the middle of the living room when Taehyung grabbed her arm, turning her around and asking her

Taehyung: *sternly* Where are you going?

Y/n: *nervously* in my room.

Taehyung: *raised an eyebrow while crossing his arms on his chest* Is that so? But your room is that way.

He said this while pointing towards the stairs.

Taehyung: And you are going toward the kitchen.

Y/n didn't say anything and looked away. Then she felt him cupping her face, making her look at him.

Taehyung: *deep, gentle voice* Baby, why are you running away?

Y/n: *sigh with teary eyes* I don't know.

Taehyung: Let those tears fall, baby.

Y/n: They won't fall. Taehyung! They won't! I tried to cry, but they wouldn't come out.

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